[Artesia Terrace]
Number: Grading-34832

Drawing of Record Submitted 03/06/2007
Electronic Drawing 03/06/2007
Final Grading Report 03/01/2007
Date Scheduled
City Development Engineer
Power 3/14/07 Approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 3/13/07 IRRIGATION - NA per Zene 3/16/07 Corrections required per Kevin C. IRR meter needs to be raised and put concrete collar with rebar. Plumb fire hydrants. Center meter setters in meter boxes. Clean dirt out of meter boxes. No wire signal in valve collars at Artesia and Russell - Fix it. 04/02/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie..Check wire ok w/old machine 4/21/2008 Approved Per Kevin Condie.. 1 year warranty
Wastewater 3/13/07 IRRIGATION - NA per Zene 3/16/07 Corrections required per Kevin C. IRR meter needs to be raised and put concrete collar with rebar. Plumb fire hydrants. Center meter setters in meter boxes. Clean dirt out of meter boxes. No wire signal in valve collars at Artesia and Russell - Fix it. 04/02/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie..Check wire ok w/old machine 4/21/2008 Approved Per Kevin Condie.. 1 year warranty
Engineering 3/16/07 Corrections required per Brandon W. Did not meet min requirement for grading report. Concrete tests? Repair trail per city parks department where needed. Cut and patch with hot mix. Clean and grout DI boxes. Finish trail at Snow Canyon and Russell Drive. 3/23/07 Corrections required per Brandon Wright -- same notes as before. 04/13/2007 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.Trail to be repaired, all 3 culdesac need to be fixed. 2 options remove asphalt or slurry seal!.. Remove all dirt and gravel on sidewalks and gutter in project. Check for broken walk, north end of job Artesia and Castelrock and clean up call Brandon for insection on all 3 items. Spot on North Culdelsac needs to be removed and replaced. 5/22/2007 Approved per Brandon Wright 4/8/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brandon Wright.
City Development Engineer 3/13/07 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic dwg of record is a wrong project. The correct project needs to be sent and be in the State Plane Coordinate System. per Ken B - General cleanup is needed, asphalt spauling and pitting, curbing and requires R/R. Heavy equipment parked on street and gravel in the streets. 3/23/07 Corrections required per Ken B. General cleanup is needed, rocks in gutters. 04/13/2007 Per Ken Bricker.. Asphalt spauling on circle dirt and rocks in the road at Fountain Circle. 05/22/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker 4/2/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
Landscaping 3/13/07 Corrections required per Ken B - Landscape incomplete, trail needs repairs at Russell Street Entrance. 3/23/07 Corrections required per Ken B. Trail at Russell Dr needs repaired per mtg resolution on 3/21/07. 04/13/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Asphalt spauling on circle. Dirt and rock in the road at Fountain Cirle. 05/22/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker 4/2/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
General Comments:
Site review by HRB on 12/10/03. Approved for Hillside Dev. Pmt. with conditions. More cross sections req'd. as per staff request and later approval. Area between no disturb zones should be included as part of no disturb zone. Size of some uphill lots where no disturb is shown was questioned. Must verify that home can be built on before approval of grading. Transite/Asbestos pipe exists on the site. Developer must have remediation plan for removal of Transite/Asbestos pipe before grading permit will be issued. Letter was sent to B&G Engineers informing them of need for remediation plan as they were agents for applicant at the HRB review.