Sandstone Village .
Number: Grading 30336

Drawing of Record Submitted 05/13/2004(TJ Max)08/01/2005.Revised.08/08/2005
Electronic Drawing 08/01/2005.Revisde 08/08/2005
Final Grading Report 05/13/2004(TJ Max)08/08/2005
Date Scheduled 08/03/2005
City Development Engineer
Power 5/14/04. Approved per Dennis. TJMax area ok for power. 6/03/04. Power ok for Final. per Dennis Wright.
Water 05/13/04. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Not ready for Final, Wire comes up in middle of lan-Re-do all value cans. Corrections per Kevin Condie, Ok for co need final on project, wire in middle of can 08/09/2005 Approved per Jeff Lance
Wastewater 05/13/04. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Not ready for Final, Wire comes up in middle of lan-Re-do all value cans. Corrections per Kevin Condie, Ok for co need final on project, wire in middle of can 08/09/2005 Approved per Jeff Lance
Engineering 05/13/04. Corrections required per Cathy. Electronic drawing of record- after correction, final grading report. 6/14/04. Approved per Catherine Hasfurther. 08/03/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson..Grade and patch asphalt to drain into inlet behind Beehive Credit Unin. Also grout pipe in box, remove block pipe on roof drain outlets East end of North slopes.Collar water valves in front of Bruces Rental replace meter collar same area. 08/05/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record-drainage(up-date). Remove old/replaced storm drain box from site on wst side parking area against I-15. General cleanout of area by I-15 w/const debris. Replace concrete around boxes in island across from Bruces Rent-to -Own, Place Rock on top of Rockwall to finish landscape alonng I-15. replace broken curb on South End of island across from Only One Dollar Store. replace broken s/w on Southwest side of entry off of River Road. Finish repair/remove material behind C & C bldg. 08/11/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson..Collar water valves @ Bruces rental, remove broken concrete and replace concrete in island @ Bruces Rental, replace broken sidewalk SW corner of River Road entry. remove Porta John gandolfos parking lot roof drains behind 4-9
City Development Engineer 05/13/04. Corrections required. Per Mike Hester. Correct the drawing of record, Complete the fianl grading and testing report,also note the future test results of work in progess,clean all storm drain lines and boxes of dirt Approved for final per Mike Hester. and debris. Adjust and concrete all sewer MH in ac pavement. Clean all public improvements, Complete or bond for landscaping. 05/18/04. Approved per Mike Hester for TJMax only. 09/06/2005 Corections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of Record- -ok, Remove replaced storm drain box on Westside of parking lot (behind TJ Max). Clean up site debris along I-15(old valve case, etc.) replace landscaping in end of island acros from Bruce's. Replace broken curb @ Southend of island across forn ONLY $1.00. Replace broken S/W on SW corner of entry from River road, Finish landscaping along I-15 w/in property (between fence and Rockwall).
Landscaping 05/20/04 Approved per Mark Bradley Bond with Doug W. 30 day time frame to complete. 6/17/04 Approved per Mark Bradley. 3 more trees on sw side along I-15 and cover black material, 6-17-04. Brian called a completed req'd. task. 08/04/2005 Approved for Final Per Ray Synder.. Note: Surety taken for trash enclouse(3,000).
General Comments: