[Las Lomas I]
Number: Grading 31418

Drawing of Record Submitted 07/28/2004 Revised 09/24/2004
Electronic Drawing 07/28/2004---10/29/2004
Final Grading Report 07/26/2004 08/26/2004 Rcvd. Revised Grad.
Date Scheduled
City Development Engineer
Water 09/14/2004 Correction required per Carson Tait. Need to add re-bar to the meterboxesin two of the meterbox pads. Need to straighten or replace the bent setter.(it is very deep in the box. Need to clean the concrete off of the meter setters.Need to make all of the customer shut off valves accessable. 09/22/2004 Approved per Carson Tait.. C grade workmanship.. 05/12/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson.. For 1 year warranty
Wastewater 09/14/2004 Correction required per Carson Tait. Need to add re-bar to the meterboxesin two of the meterbox pads. Need to straighten or replace the bent setter.(it is very deep in the box. Need to clean the concrete off of the meter setters.Need to make all of the customer shut off valves accessable. 09/22/2004 Approved per Carson Tait.. C grade workmanship.. 05/12/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson.. For 1 year warranty
Engineering 07/30/2004 Corrections Required Per Mike Hester. To many to address. 08/04/04 Corrections required Per Mike Hester.. Not ready at this time. 09/09/2004 Corrections required per Mike Hester.. 1. Grade lots to drain to 2100 East. 2. backfill all sidewalk utility boxes, watermeters and curb (aaphalt).3 Install the trail between lots 7 and 8. 4. Construct the west shoulder on 2100 east so no buildings or private propertys are distrubed by water run off, from new public improvements or garding. 5. Fills off 2100 East accross from lots 1 and 2 should not exceed 2:1 if so retain with walls. 6. lower the existing lot phone line 30" below grade 10/04/2004 Approved per Mike Hester
City Development Engineer 08/23/04 Corrections required per Cathy. Pave Trail Drainage of John Hafen property dealt w/ Electronic Dwg. of record. 10/28/2004 Corrections required per Cathy Hasfurther. Electronic dwg of record-- showing drainage. 10/29/2004, Approved per Cathy Hasfurther.. Still need the Electronic drawings of record showing the drainage. 10/29/2004 Received CD on Electr. Drawing of Records 05/20/2005 Approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 08/02/04. Approved per Mark Bradley. When the corner lot dwelling is built, the property owner is to install a couple of req'd street trees, ( lot #15.)
General Comments: