[Primrose Point]
Number: Grading 30480

Drawing of Record Submitted 09/08/2004..revised 12/22/2005
Electronic Drawing revised..12/22/2005
Final Grading Report 09/08/2004..
Date Scheduled
Power 09/08/2004 Approved Per Dennis For Permits only.
Water 09/10/2004. Approved Per Carson Tait. For permits only
Wastewater 09/10/2004. Approved Per Carson Tait. For permits only
Engineering 09/09/2004.Corrections required per Mike Hester.. Agec final mater. testing report phase 1, 8-25-04 is short on tests correct and re-submit for review. 2. Install all property corners and monumentation.
City Development Engineer 09/08/2004 Approved per Cathy Hasfurther. For Permits Only
Landscaping 09/09/2004 Corrections required per Mark Bradley. Requires letter of compliance for Hillside Development from applicants/developer Civil Engineer and Geo tech Engineer.
Power 10/26/2004 Approved per Dennis Wright
Water 11/09/2004 Approved per Carson Tait 12/04/2004 Corrections required per Boyd.. Punch list not complete.. Raise hyd. cover setters, complete concrete around meter boxes.. not ready 12/23/2004 Corretions required per Boyd.. Setters need lowered rebar needs installed in two boxes 01/18/2005 Approved Per Carson Tait.. Per phone call from Collen from Ence. 9:35 Am
Wastewater 11/09/2004 Approved per Carson Tait 12/04/2004 Corrections required per Boyd.. Punch list not complete.. Raise hyd. cover setters, complete concrete around meter boxes.. not ready 12/23/2004 Corretions required per Boyd.. Setters need lowered rebar needs installed in two boxes 01/18/2005 Approved Per Carson Tait.. Per phone call from Collen from Ence. 9:35 Am
Engineering 10/26/2004 Corrections Required Per Mike Hester.. 1. Correct the street name signs to match the list of names and coord. the two eng. dept provide. 2. Backfill all sidewalks. 3. Clean all public improvements. 4. Re-grade the temp cul-de-sacs- and compact the road base. 11/09/2004 Approved per Mike Hester.
City Development Engineer 11/09/2004 Corrections required per Cathy Hasfurther.. Place roadbase in the 2 upper turn arounds, replace 30" storm drain pipe w/2-18" on the south side of box sulverts 02/02/2005 Approved per Cathy Hasfurther. Temp turnarounds to be fixed.. work out Trail access w/parks by new sign.
Landscaping 10/25/2004 Approved per Mark Bradley.. Need letter of compliance for Hillside Development permit reviewed by City Engineer over seeing project.
General Comments: