River Hollow I & 2
Number: Grading 31154

Drawing of Record Submitted 04/12/2005.. revised 04/21/2005
Electronic Drawing 04/12/2005
Final Grading Report 04/12/2005
Date Scheduled
Water 09/13/2004 Corrections Required Per Carson Tait.. Not ready.. Need to install meter yokes meterboxes, pour meter box pads, make all valves, accessable, asphalt roads. 09/17/2004 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. Need to make all of the mainline and hydrant valves accessable 09/28/2004 Approved Per Carson Tait.. Ok for lot #19 ONLY!!! 10/15/2004 Corrections Required Per Carson Tait.. Need to complete the collars and pads. Next step.. Call for a Final.. 10/21/2004 Approved per Carson tait Only Lots #6 and #19 and #36. Approved per Carson Tait For Permits Only.. EXCEPT for lots 23, 24, 25,26,27, 28, 29,30,31, 32 12/23/2004 Corrections required per Boyd.. Troy check plan need to check Fire Hydr. location. 01/27/2005 Approved per Boyd Per phone call.. 05/12/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson..For 1 year warranty
Wastewater 09/13/2004 Corrections Required Per Carson Tait.. Not ready.. Need to install meter yokes meterboxes, pour meter box pads, make all valves, accessable, asphalt roads. 09/17/2004 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. Need to make all of the mainline and hydrant valves accessable 09/28/2004 Approved Per Carson Tait.. Ok for lot #19 ONLY!!! 10/15/2004 Corrections Required Per Carson Tait.. Need to complete the collars and pads. Next step.. Call for a Final.. 10/21/2004 Approved per Carson tait Only Lots #6 and #19 and #36. Approved per Carson Tait For Permits Only.. EXCEPT for lots 23, 24, 25,26,27, 28, 29,30,31, 32 12/23/2004 Corrections required per Boyd.. Troy check plan need to check Fire Hydr. location. 01/27/2005 Approved per Boyd Per phone call.. 05/12/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson..For 1 year warranty
Engineering 09/10/2004 Corrections required per Mike Hester.Install all property corners 2. Base and compact all public roadways. 3. The plat must be approved by City Council. Comment: Plat is approved by City Council (9-14-03 Jay Sandberg) 09/17/2004 1. All property corners must be set (permentaly)2. Bond for all sidewalks and pavement not completed. 09/28/2004 Approved per Mike Hester 10/13/2004 Approved per Mike Hester for Permits only..
City Development Engineer 09/21/2004 Approved per Cathy Hasfurther For permits only
Water 04/23/2005.. Per Tim Jones.. Lot 26, hydrant and meter need concrete pad. Lot28,29 hydratn pad (concrete is cracked need replaced. Lot 30,31 lot 24, no concrete or rebar on meter boxes. Lot 31,32,22,23,7,8 no water marks in curb.. Lot 9. Hydrant needs drain hole drilled in where bevel was made for break away flange bolts. Lot 11 no water mark in curb.. Lot 11. No water mark in curb, 3 valves covered by asphalt on 2580 East and Lake Drive. 05/04/2005 Approved Per Tim Jones
Wastewater 04/23/2005.. Per Tim Jones.. Lot 26, hydrant and meter need concrete pad. Lot28,29 hydratn pad (concrete is cracked need replaced. Lot 30,31 lot 24, no concrete or rebar on meter boxes. Lot 31,32,22,23,7,8 no water marks in curb.. Lot 9. Hydrant needs drain hole drilled in where bevel was made for break away flange bolts. Lot 11 no water mark in curb.. Lot 11. No water mark in curb, 3 valves covered by asphalt on 2580 East and Lake Drive. 05/04/2005 Approved Per Tim Jones
Engineering 4/18/05 Approved per Mike Hester (Phases 1 and 2) 8/28/2007 Approved per Carlos Robles..1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 04/22/2005 Corrections required per Cathy Hasfurther.. Revise Electronic DWG of records.. Drainiage, irrigation, change sewer.. call me on changes. 05/02/2005 Approved per Jay Sandberg.. Electronic Drawing of Records ok.. Changes made according to Cathy Request 05/03/2005 Approved per Jay Sandberg.. Drawing of Record ok. Electronic Drawing of record Ok. Plat recored. 8/24/07 - 1 year warranty - corrections required per Cathy H. 2621 1400 S Cir curb to be replaced. Next to 2634 (West) - curb. Int 2670 E and 1400E cross gutter remove and replace. Met with Todd Call and painted corrections 8/24/07.
Landscaping 04/14/2005 Approved per Doug W. 8/24/07 - 1 year warranty - corrections required per Cathy H. 2621 1400 S Cir curb to be replaced. Next to 2634 (West) - curb. Int 2670 E and 1400E cross gutter remove and replace. Met with Todd Call and painted corrections 8/24/07.
General Comments: