[Emerald Ridge]
Number: Grading-31257

Drawing of Record Submitted 09/20/2004 revised 10/12/2004
Electronic Drawing 11/04/2004
Final Grading Report 09/20/2004
Date Scheduled
Water 10/18/2004 Approved per Kevin Condie for Permits only ..No permits on lot #44.
Wastewater 10/18/2004 Approved per Kevin Condie for Permits only ..No permits on lot #44.
Engineering 10/13/2004 Approved per Larry Henderson Permits only
City Development Engineer 10/28/2004 Approved for Permits Only per Jay Sandberg
Power 09/21/2004 Approved per Dennis Wright.. Power ok for final
Water 09/24/2004 Corrections Requuired per Kevin COndie. 1. Rock wall by PRU-- need to be removed and need space to work 4'. 2, 2' on rolled curb. 3. Meter boxe's 18" behind rolled curb 4. Boxe's in driveways change lid to heavey duty style. 5. All valve centered in valve boxe's. 6. Number in valve collars. 7. Record of drawing that is right. 11/05/2004 Approved per Kevin Condie.. No CO until wall is done on Lot#44.
Wastewater 09/24/2004 Corrections Requuired per Kevin COndie. 1. Rock wall by PRU-- need to be removed and need space to work 4'. 2, 2' on rolled curb. 3. Meter boxe's 18" behind rolled curb 4. Boxe's in driveways change lid to heavey duty style. 5. All valve centered in valve boxe's. 6. Number in valve collars. 7. Record of drawing that is right. 11/05/2004 Approved per Kevin Condie.. No CO until wall is done on Lot#44.
Engineering 09/21/2004 Trim expansion joints, remove spilled concrete from curb, complete marking of monuments, install street name and step signs. replace sidewalk sections as marked ramp inds of sidewalks, seal crack in curb, remove old collar and patch asphalt 1800 north and Dixie Dr subdivision. Certification and disk from Engineer intall parking area(3 spaces) @ amenity area. 10/25/2004 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. Replace 2 interior stop sighns w/hi intensity film remove old collar in Dixie Dr. @ 1800 North and patch 11/02/2004 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 09/22/2004 Corrections required Per Jay Sandberg. Site distance problems at intersections, Need private improvement certification, Need rock wall certification. Need planning approval of revised landscape plan and wall location. Need electronic drawing of record. 11/09/2004 Approved per Jay Sandberg.. Private Inp. Cert ok.. Site Dist. ok Plat approved. wall issue resolved
Landscaping Corrections required per Mark Bradley.. A revised landscape plan was recently submitted. I have not been abe to review it yet. 10/26/2004 Approved Per Mark Bradley.. NOTE: Prior to CO on any building Privacy wall along Dixie Downs Road and landscape installed and completed (City Forster inspected) 2. Workout detail of privacy wall along site distance area. 07/28/2005 Approved per Mark Bradley..Wall installed. landscape installed.. Note: City Forester needs to approve the street trees. 07/28/2005 Approved per Doug W.
General Comments: