Tonaquint Hills Phase I
Number: Grading 32738

Drawing of Record Submitted 07/14/2005(revised) 7-19-2005(revised 8-10-05)
Electronic Drawing 07/15/2005(revised 8-10-05)
Final Grading Report 07/14/2005
Date Scheduled 07/19/2005
City Development Engineer
Power 07/20/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright 06/09/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright.. 1 year warranty
Water 07/26/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie..1. In front of building #3 need to move hydrant closer to side walk.. will pick it up @ CO. 2. Need pipe stop out of 2 valves and capped. Having a hard time locating wire may have to dig up valve collars.. Gail Maxwell is bringing Sonja a check for $2,000.00 to cover work if not done.. 6/12/06 Approved 1 year warranty inspection per Kevin C.
Wastewater 07/26/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie..1. In front of building #3 need to move hydrant closer to side walk.. will pick it up @ CO. 2. Need pipe stop out of 2 valves and capped. Having a hard time locating wire may have to dig up valve collars.. Gail Maxwell is bringing Sonja a check for $2,000.00 to cover work if not done.. 6/12/06 Approved 1 year warranty inspection per Kevin C.
Engineering 07/20/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson..Trim expansion joints clean out inlet boxes,put grates on inlet boxes,complete sidewalk,clean sidewalks,curbs,and streets, ramp end of sidewalk,complete round a bout island backfill-- landscaping. 07/27/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 07/21/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H.. 10% warranty bond. 07/27/2005 Approved per Cathy H 7/18/06 1 year warranty - Corrections required per Ken B - Sidewalks need replaced/sealed. Port-a-potty on S/W. Grouting is missing in storm drains. Settlement of S/W at several locations. General cleanup needed. Material piles in streets. End of street markers are missing. Replace settlement areas along curb. Waterway settlement needs replaced. Dirt ramps must be removed.
Landscaping 07/22/2005 Corrections required per Ray Synder.. Ref.. 2004-plnck-057.. Note: Outstanding items is absense of trash enclosurewith solid metal gate. Appliciant may bond for or pust up check for valve w/plng. 07/26/2005 Approved per w/surety.. Per Ray Synder. Outstanding items is completion of trash enclousre. A check for $3,500 received to cover on 7-26-05 hold until completed as surety. 07/26/2005 Approved per Doug W. 7/18/06 - 1 year warranty - corrections required per Ken B. No landscaping present.
General Comments:
Construction Dwgs. approved 10/25/04 by Cathy Hasfurther. Permit issued based on construction dwg. approval only. Fees paid based on 10,000 cy earthwork are $228.00.