[Boulevard Center Storage]
Number: Grading 32889

Drawing of Record Submitted Revised Draw 04/21/2005.. 4/19/2005 4/22/2005
Electronic Drawing 04/19/2005
Final Grading Report 04/19/2005
Date Scheduled
Water 11/09/2004 Corrections required per Carson tait.. I need more information.. What phase are you asking for? A drawining of record on the phase you want finaled would really help.
Wastewater 11/09/2004 Corrections required per Carson tait.. I need more information.. What phase are you asking for? A drawining of record on the phase you want finaled would really help.
City Development Engineer
Power 04/21/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright
Water 04/23/2005 Approved per Tim Jones
Wastewater 04/23/2005 Approved per Tim Jones
Engineering 04/20/2005 Corrections required per Mike Hester.. Backfill all curb. Shoulder all edge of pavement, slope all cuts to a 2:1 max.. Remove all construction debris. 05/03/2005 Approved per Mike Hester
City Development Engineer 04/28/2005 Corrections required per Jay Sandberg.. Drainage improvement as discussed with Todd Edwards and Rusty on 4-25-05 05/03/2005 Corrections required Per Jay Sandberg.. Need letter concerning drainage changes from Engineer. 05/10/2005 Approved per Jay Sandberg 07/09/2005 Approved per Jay Sandberg.. Rcvd, letter on drainage issue.
Landscaping 04/22/2005 Corrections required Per Ray Synder..Planning comments.. RE: 2004-Plnck-041.. 1. What is 2nd level for? More storage or office (clarify).. 2. Warehouse not constructed in rear per plan.. 3. No landscaping in. 4. Fence/gate not completed.. 04/28/2005 Approved Per Ray Synder
General Comments: