[Pinebrook III]
Number: Grading 1117

Drawing of Record Submitted 03/24/2003
Electronic Drawing
Final Grading Report 04/28/2003
Date Scheduled
Power 01/23/2003 OK for Permits only per Dennis Wright. No power to this phase
Water 02/05/2003. Corrections Required per Carson Tait. Not ready.Need to make water valves accessible. OK for 1 permit for lot #59 only. 4/9/03 Building Permits OK
Wastewater 02/05/2003. Corrections Required per Carson Tait. Not ready.Need to make water valves accessible. OK for 1 permit for lot #59 only. 4/9/03 Building Permits OK
Engineering 01/23/2003 Corrections Required per Larry Henderson Need base on street, full depth for all weather access. Curbs need to be completed with handicap ramps. 4/9/03 Building Permits only OK per Jay Sandberg 02/04/2003.Larry Henderson ok for lot #59 only.
City Development Engineer 01/23/2003 Corrections required per Catherine Hasfurther Need final plat submitted Roadbase needs to be placed to grade Radius needs to be completed
Power 4/8/03 Approved - Dennis Wright
Water 4/4/03 - Corrections - Meter box pads painted white - need corrections. 1 1/2" service needs setter installed and Corrections to box and concrete. Hydrant Pad with White Paint must be lowered to allow access to break-away bolts - Carson 05/01/2003 Corrections Required. Need concrete collar around 2" meter with rebar.
Wastewater 4/4/03 - Corrections - Meter box pads painted white - need corrections. 1 1/2" service needs setter installed and Corrections to box and concrete. Hydrant Pad with White Paint must be lowered to allow access to break-away bolts - Carson 05/01/2003 Corrections Required. Need concrete collar around 2" meter with rebar.
Engineering 03/26/2003 Corrections required per Larry Henderson 4/9/03 Complete meter collars Install street name & stop signs Stamp monuments Complete hydrant pads Redo patches on Indian Hills Dr. 04/29/2003 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 4/10/03 Approved - Cathy Hasfurther
Landscaping 3/27/03 Approved - Mark Bradley
General Comments:
Permits Only requested 01/23/2003