[Jedora Estates III]
Number: Grading-31931

Drawing of Record Submitted 12/29/2004 Revised 2-9-05
Electronic Drawing 12/29/2004
Final Grading Report 02/01/2005
Date Scheduled
Water 12/21/2004 Corrections Required per A.Briggs Jr. 12:30 pm Concrete nneded on/around valve boxes hydrants. Also need to open all valves in streets.
Wastewater 12/21/2004 Corrections Required per A.Briggs Jr. 12:30 pm Concrete nneded on/around valve boxes hydrants. Also need to open all valves in streets.
Engineering 12/20/2004 Approved per Mike Hester
City Development Engineer 12/21/2004 Corrections required per Cathy H. Close enough to do a final inspection. 01/18/2005 Approved per Cathy H.
Water 12/29/2004 Corrections required per Allen Briggs Jr. Finish concrete around Hydrants and meter boxes 2. Ensure hydrants are flushed and bring meter boxes up to grade and concrete 01/24/2005 Corrections required Per Allen Briggs.. 1. Proivde correct drawing of record, 2. Remove concrete from hydrants (splash over) bolts and caps. 02/02/2005 Approved per Allen Briggs
Wastewater 12/29/2004 Corrections required per Allen Briggs Jr. Finish concrete around Hydrants and meter boxes 2. Ensure hydrants are flushed and bring meter boxes up to grade and concrete 01/24/2005 Corrections required Per Allen Briggs.. 1. Proivde correct drawing of record, 2. Remove concrete from hydrants (splash over) bolts and caps. 02/02/2005 Approved per Allen Briggs
Engineering 1/03/2005 Corrections required per Mike Hester.. Not ready, Provide all drawings and reports and complete construction first. 02/04/2005 1. Patch all AC core holes. 2. Install street lights and complete elect. 3. Clean all public improvements.4. Correct the Drawing of Record. 5. Cross gutter on the East side of 1960 EastCircle. holds water. 4. Place end of road markers on the West end of 2540 South. 5. Complete monumentation and set all front property corners with lead and tag. 6. The monument at 1960 East Street/2630 South is not properly set (redo it). 02/17/2005 Approved per Mike Hester
City Development Engineer 02/14/2005 Approved per Cathy H.. Electronic DWG of records-- updated 2-9-05
Landscaping 12/29/2004 Approved per Mark Bradley.. N/A
General Comments: