River Road Commercial
Number: Grading-30252

Drawing of Record Submitted 12/30/2004.. 04/11/2005..07/05/2005
Electronic Drawing 12/30/2004...04/11/2005
Final Grading Report 12/28/2004
Date Scheduled
City Development Engineer
Power 1/03/2004 Approved per Dennis Wright. 06/06/2006 Approvedper Dennis Wright. 1 year warranty
Water 12/30/2004 Corrections required per Allen Briggs.. Concrete valve on River Road so entrance, 2. Trace wire test, 3. Concrete around hydrant and raise valve at end of project-- disregard if they are in phase #2. 01/21/2005 Corrections required per A Briggs. Punch list items complete,but Drawing of Record is incomplete. Please ensure drawing of record . is/are correct. 01/26/2005 Need Final Drawing of Record. 04/15/2005 Corrections required per Tim Jones.. Valve and hydrant meter boxes closet to new hotel need collars and pads poured. 05/05/2005 Approved per Tim Jomes
Wastewater 12/30/2004 Corrections required per Allen Briggs.. Concrete valve on River Road so entrance, 2. Trace wire test, 3. Concrete around hydrant and raise valve at end of project-- disregard if they are in phase #2. 01/21/2005 Corrections required per A Briggs. Punch list items complete,but Drawing of Record is incomplete. Please ensure drawing of record . is/are correct. 01/26/2005 Need Final Drawing of Record. 04/15/2005 Corrections required per Tim Jones.. Valve and hydrant meter boxes closet to new hotel need collars and pads poured. 05/05/2005 Approved per Tim Jomes
Engineering 01/03/2005 Corrections Required Per Mike Hester..Submit all drawings and testing and complete all construction before re-schudeling. 01/26/2005 Complete all paperwork and construction. 05/31/2005 Corrections required per Mike Hester.. Bond must be inplace for all Public Improvements.. not completed The rockfasing on the large east wall and gunite to must be stained and eonited to match in color. 04/18/2005 Corrections required per Mike Hester.. Not ready.. 1. Complete the sewer lift station.. Install all ratings at culvent crossing .. Backfill all sidewalk.. Clean all public improvements. complete landscaping, provide the Geo-tech engineers cirt for rockwalls.Other items pending construction. 05/13/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. Construct sewer lift staton, complete or bond for improvement on South end rockwall certification. 07/15/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 02/02/2005 Corrections required per Cathy.. Electronic dwg of record.. Hillside compliance letter (coloring of rock etc.) patch asphalt by intersection of setters by storm drain box.. bond for improvements @ South end of 1070 East not complete.. Install saftey railing along culverts both on 100 South and 170 South. 04/22/2005 Corrections required per Cathy Hasfurther.. Electronic DWG of Records. 05/19/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H.. Hillside Complinace letter, Electronic DWG of Records needs to show strom drain info. For new inlets,etc. Bond for public imp. not complete.. 05/25/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H. Hillside Compliance letter , Electronic DWG of Record, Bond for all unfinished public improvement.. 07/20/2005 Approved per Cathy Hasfurther 8/25/06 -1 year warranty - CORRECTIONS REQUIRED per Cathy H. Patch chips in curb and gutter along public streets (170 S. 1470 E, 100 S).
Landscaping Corrections required per Mark Bradley..Need Hillside Compliance letter and rockwall stained.. The landscaping will be part of each individual developed site. 06/02/2005 Approved per Mark Bradley. N/A Road Only-- Wall to be part of Marriott Site.. Individual landscape areas with each lot. 07/27/2005 Approved per Mark Bradley,Landscape to be completed with each lot. The wall staining is to be completed with the Marriott site. 8/25/06 - 1 year warranty - Approved per Cathy H.
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