[Fox Borough III]
Number: Grading 24171

Drawing of Record Submitted 03/18/2003. Corrected drawing of record received 04/04/2003
Electronic Drawing
Final Grading Report 01/29/2003
Date Scheduled 03/19/2003
Power 09/17/2003. Approved per Dennis.
Engineering 03/19/2003 Corrections Required per Mike Hester. Drawing of record is not complete.Resubmit in accordance with section 2.4 page 2-9 of the City Standard. The Final Grading & mateials testing report needs the gas main line tests included and 1 R-value performed on roadbase not meeting gradation and sand equivalent that failed. Provide the engineers certification of compliance for this private development. Complete all grading and construction of the infrastructure impovements. Clean all improvements 4-30-03 Released for Building Permits - waiting for re-inspection request for Final
City Development Engineer 03/18/2003 Approved per Jay Sandberg. Electronic Asbuilts submitted and OK Final plat recorded and OK
Power 3-27-03 Approved by Don Higgins
Water 03/26/2003 Corrections required per Kevin Condie No service to lot #99 & #98 Concrete broken on meter boxes #84 & #83 On 40 N St the new line has not been chlorinated and pressure tested. Need cap on end of line. 145 N St has not been flushed Need as-builts that show the way the water runs at the end of cul-de-sac and on 40 N Street. 3-27-03 Approved except lots 98 and 99 because no service - Kevin Condie 08/8/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Need 2 3/4" services. 8/20/03 -- OK lots 80,81,82,84 ONLY -- rest of phase not approved. 08/19/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Approved lots 80,81,82,84, ONLY. Need concrete around meter boxes and fire hydrant on lot 78. 8/26/03 Approved per Jeff Lance.
Wastewater 03/26/2003 Corrections required per Kevin Condie No service to lot #99 & #98 Concrete broken on meter boxes #84 & #83 On 40 N St the new line has not been chlorinated and pressure tested. Need cap on end of line. 145 N St has not been flushed Need as-builts that show the way the water runs at the end of cul-de-sac and on 40 N Street. 3-27-03 Approved except lots 98 and 99 because no service - Kevin Condie 08/8/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Need 2 3/4" services. 8/20/03 -- OK lots 80,81,82,84 ONLY -- rest of phase not approved. 08/19/2003. Corrections required per Jeff Lance. Approved lots 80,81,82,84, ONLY. Need concrete around meter boxes and fire hydrant on lot 78. 8/26/03 Approved per Jeff Lance.
Engineering 08/07/2003.Corrections required per Mike Hester. Drawing of record is not complete, Resubmitition accordance with section 2,4 page 2-9 of the City Standard Spec. The Final Grading and materials testing report needs the Gas main line tests included and 1-R value per formed on the road base anot meeting ther gradation and sand equavlant that farled. Provide the engineers certification of compliance for this private Dev. 8/20/03 APPROVED
City Development Engineer 04/30/2003 Approved per Jay Sandberg. Electronic Asbuilts submitted and OK Final plat recorded and OK Private Improvement Certification OK (Per Jay Sandberg)
Landscaping 03/20/2003 Corrections Required per Mark Bradley Landscape not comleted. They may want to build homes first. 8/8/2003 OK per Doug Wolfstein. 08/06/2003.Approved Per Doug W. For no other Phase than III.
General Comments: