[Falls at Mesa Point, The]
Number: Grading 28622

Drawing of Record Submitted
Electronic Drawing
Final Grading Report
Date Scheduled
Power 03/14/2003 OK for permits only per Don Higgins. 04/16/2003 OK for permits only per Don Higgins - no power available.
Water 03/14/2003 Corrections Required per Kevin Condie. No fire protection - no approved water system. 03/14/2003 OK for permits only per Kevin Condie if OK with Kevin Taylor (Fire Department).
Wastewater 03/14/2003 Corrections Required per Kevin Condie. No fire protection - no approved water system. 03/14/2003 OK for permits only per Kevin Condie if OK with Kevin Taylor (Fire Department).
Engineering 03/14/2003 Corrections Required. Need power Need Fire protection Need hard surface allwheather access. 03/17/2003 OK for permits only per Larry Henderson 04/18/2003 OK for permits only per Mike Hester.
City Development Engineer 03/17/2003 OK for permits only per Catherine Hasfurther. 04/18/2003 OK for permits only per Cathering Hasfurther.
Water 04/18/2003 Corrections required per Kevin Condie - no fire protection, no approved water system. 08/13/2003. Approved per Jeff Lance.
Wastewater 04/18/2003 Corrections required per Kevin Condie - no fire protection, no approved water system. 08/13/2003. Approved per Jeff Lance.
Engineering 07/17/2003. Corrections required per Mike Hester. All grading drawings on site NE retaining structures for public roads must be completed and accepted. Before any more permits are issured. 08/07/2003. Approved per Mike Hester.
City Development Engineer
General Comments:
Kevin Taylor (Fire Marshall) will release only Bldg G and Clubhouse until Fire Protection is in place.