Willow Bend Townhomes
Number: Grading-34027

Drawing of Record Submitted 12/22/2005
Electronic Drawing 12/22/2005
Final Grading Report 12/16/2005
Date Scheduled 12/21/2005
Power 06/13/2005 Ok for Permits per Dennis Wright
Water 06/20/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Need Fire protection and no water to site. 07/05/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie.. Kevin taylor is ok.. I am ok with it..
Wastewater 06/20/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Need Fire protection and no water to site. 07/05/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie.. Kevin taylor is ok.. I am ok with it..
Engineering 06/13/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.Install utiliities, install sewer and water,install curb,Complete grading of lots, submit CMU wall inspections 06/24/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson Underground utilities not complete. 06/24/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson..Water will be in 6-29-05
City Development Engineer 06/13/2005 Corrections required per Jay Sandberg.. Complete utilities and wall. 06/24/2005.. Corrections required per Jay Sandberg.Complete underground imnprovements, complte Title report on plat.08/05/2005 Approved per Jay Sandberg. PERMITS ONLY
Power 12/22/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright
Water 12/21/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. 1. No Arrow or size in valve collars.2. Paint Fire hydrant..3. Torn handle around on meter setter 12/27/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie
Wastewater 12/21/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. 1. No Arrow or size in valve collars.2. Paint Fire hydrant..3. Torn handle around on meter setter 12/27/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie
Engineering 12/21/2005 Corrections required per Larry H.Clean up debris in curb,redo inlet box in parking stall-should be standard curb inlet box.. connect drain line to box in detention basin, cut down curb at trash enclosure, install gravel access to manhole in landscape area redo drawing of record. 12/23/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 12/22/2005 Corrections required per Jay Sandberg..Need private improvement certification striping on Indian Hills.. Electronic drawing of record to Lonnie Bowler. 12/2/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H. Fix drain box in corner of parking lot per plan.. Fix drain line from box to detention box per plan. 12/23/2005 Approved per Cathy H.. Correction to DWG of record (paper Copy) and E-mail Lonnie Another copy of updated Dwg of record.
Landscaping 12/21/2005 Corrections required per Mark Bradley.. Complete capping on block wall, block wall and gate for dumpster-complete. cut concrete for dumpster, plant more shrubs in rock mulch in front setback area.. stripe parking 12/23/2005 Approved per Mark Bradley. Received letter of completion dates.
General Comments: