[Rink Estates]
Number: Grading-34030

Drawing of Record Submitted 05/17/2006
Electronic Drawing 05/17/2006
Final Grading Report 06/22/2006
Date Scheduled 06/26/2006
City Development Engineer
Water 6/23/06 Approved per Tim Dotson 6/12/07 1 year warranty - Corrections Required per Wayne M - 6/12/07 bad spot in the locate wire will not trace down the hill marked the bad spot in the road. Valve collar on 2800 S needs to be replaced and made round and the wire in the can is broke. The valve can to the fire hyd needs the wire fixed and made to city spec. 8/13/2007 Approved per Carson Tait.. 1 year warranty.. wire looks good
Wastewater 6/23/06 Approved per Tim Dotson 6/12/07 1 year warranty - Corrections Required per Wayne M - 6/12/07 bad spot in the locate wire will not trace down the hill marked the bad spot in the road. Valve collar on 2800 S needs to be replaced and made round and the wire in the can is broke. The valve can to the fire hyd needs the wire fixed and made to city spec. 8/13/2007 Approved per Carson Tait.. 1 year warranty.. wire looks good
Engineering 06/23/2006 Approved per Carlos R. 7/29/08 - 1 year warranty - corrections required per Carlos R. Remove and replace broken sidewalk. Fix and repair asphalt. Remove rock walls from easements. 11/6/08 1 year warranty - approved per Carlos.
City Development Engineer 6/26/06 Corrections Required for Cathy H. 10% warranty Bond. Final plat needs to be approved by City Council. General site clean up at D/W's in circle as well as along 2800 S. Clean out pipe going to the East under adjacent owners D/W. Rip rap at East end of curb to fill in hole (safety hazard) and prevent erosion. Electronic dwg of record - sewer laterals need to tie to TBS & side prop line. Dan Stuerer to provide letter stating he will have a following letter from AGEC addressing setback and landscape once homes are constructed. 07/19/2006 Approved per Cathy H. 6/6/07 1 year warranty - corrections required per Ken B. Construction materials in street and gutter. Port-a-pot sitting on sidewalk. Dirt and weeds on sidewalk. Cuts in asphalt. Sidewalks broken and need to be replaced. Curbs cracked and broken out. 7/9/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
Landscaping 6/26/06 Approved per Cathy H. 6/6/07 1 year warranty - corrections required per Ken B. Construction materials in street and gutter. Port-a-pot sitting on sidewalk. Dirt and weeds on sidewalk. Cuts in asphalt. Sidewalks broken and need to be replaced. Curbs cracked and broken out. 7/9/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
General Comments: