[Millcreek Indrustrial]
Number: Grading-34089

Drawing of Record Submitted 04/25/2006
Electronic Drawing 04/25/2006
Final Grading Report 03/28/2006
Date Scheduled 04/10/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 04/10/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright 3/5/07 1 year warranty Approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 04/14/2006 Corrections required per Tim Dotson.. Need concrete around Fire hydrants and Meter box's. 04/14/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson ..4-10-06, called to tell about concrete around box and rebar.. Concrete done.
Wastewater 04/14/2006 Corrections required per Tim Dotson.. Need concrete around Fire hydrants and Meter box's. 04/14/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson ..4-10-06, called to tell about concrete around box and rebar.. Concrete done.
Engineering 04/14/2006 Approved per Carlos Robles..per phone @1:20..am
City Development Engineer 04/14/2006 Correctionsd required epr Cathy H. 1. Electronic Dwg of record- show detention area and all drainage from site. On sewer co provide a distance from TBC and SMH.2. 10% warranty bond on public improvements 3. Trim pipe in catch basin and grout (Southeast corner of parking lot.) 4. Did not see opening in wall (per plan) for emerancy overflow. 04/27/2006 Clean out storm catch basin 3/5/07 1 year warranty Approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 04/14/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H. 1. Street trees need to be approved by Doug W. 2. Dumpster and enclosure is not in location on plans. 04/24/2006 Approved per Doug W... Street Trees only. 04/25/2006..Approved per Ray Snyder.. Surety provided for trash enclosure(5,783.00) to be completed by May 25,2006.. 3/5/07 1 year warranty Approved per Cathy H. 05/15/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker..Replace gates with Solid metal (Trash encloser)Gates.
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