Sun River -XV
Number: Grading-32447

Drawing of Record Submitted 08/01/2005..revised 08/16/2005
Electronic Drawing 08/01/2005..revised 08/16/2005
Final Grading Report 05/24/2005.08/01/2005
Date Scheduled 08/09/2005
Power 06/02/2005 Permits Ok Per Matt Loo
Water 05/20/2005 Corrections required Per Kevin Conide.. No permits until projects finaled. 06/03/2005 Permits Only Ok Per Matt Loo
Wastewater 05/20/2005 Corrections required Per Kevin Conide.. No permits until projects finaled. 06/03/2005 Permits Only Ok Per Matt Loo
Engineering 05/25/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. No base on streets, no sidewalks, no street lights. 06/02/2005 Approved . Permits Only.Per Matt Loo
City Development Engineer 05/21/2005 Corrections required per Jason Draper.Bridge needs to be complete before Final../ Street signs and stop signs, finish road base installation 06/02/2005 Approved Per Matt Loo Permits Only
Water 08/05/2005 Clean an paint fire hydrants, replace lid, to spec lids, plumb hydrants, hold CO's LOt's 971,979,991,994,939,932,931, Broken collars on meter boxces, Hydrants that are dished in at bottom, raise them,Leave water pressure on lot 946. Check arrrow an line sizes in valve collars, break out all valve collars, concrete in the intersection of Hammock Dunes and Magenta Mist. Check wire, Record of Drawings. 08/17/2005 Approved per Boyd.. Arrow's & sizes in valves 111 Jed ok 2/14/2008 Approved per Tim Dotson.. 1 yr warranty
Wastewater 08/05/2005 Clean an paint fire hydrants, replace lid, to spec lids, plumb hydrants, hold CO's LOt's 971,979,991,994,939,932,931, Broken collars on meter boxces, Hydrants that are dished in at bottom, raise them,Leave water pressure on lot 946. Check arrrow an line sizes in valve collars, break out all valve collars, concrete in the intersection of Hammock Dunes and Magenta Mist. Check wire, Record of Drawings. 08/17/2005 Approved per Boyd.. Arrow's & sizes in valves 111 Jed ok 2/14/2008 Approved per Tim Dotson.. 1 yr warranty
Engineering 08/04/2005Corrections required pe Larry Henderson.Complete chained. Horizon View not complete, Hammock Dunes not complete, Clean out inlet boxes, grout pipes in inlet boxes, replace broken sidewalk, seal cracks in curbs, clean streets, trim expansion joints, Rock Wall certs from Eng.Stop sign pole bent @ Moraine Manor and Purple Lupine, remove plastic from handicap inserts, backfill behind curbs. 08/09/2005 Corrections required per Larry H. Punch list items not done 08/12/2005 Corrections required per Larry H.. Rockwall certs,repalce stop sign pole @ Morane Manor and Purple Lupine 08/18/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson,. Wall certs form Engineer 1/24/2008 Approved per Carlos R.. 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 08/15/2005 Corrections required.. Need private improvement certification need Electronic drawing of record.. e-mail to [email protected] 10/05/2005 Corrections required per Jay sandberg.. Release unit #'s 1006,964,965,966,967,968,1011,1012.1013,957.. Wall certification required. Erosion control ok 10/18/2005 Approved per Jay Sandberg.. Wall Certification OK 9/15/06 1 year warranty Approved per Ken B
Landscaping 08/16/2005 Approved per Mark Bradley 9/15/06 1 year warranty Approved per Ken B
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