[Boulevard Commons/Newby Commerical]
Number: Grading-32668

Drawing of Record Submitted 05/24/2005
Electronic Drawing 05/24/2005
Final Grading Report 05/24/2005
Date Scheduled 05/25/2005
City Development Engineer
Power 05/25/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright 06/09/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright.. 1 year warranty
Water 05/25/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Paint bottom of Fire Hydrant, Arrow in valve collars, check backflow on sprinkler system, 6" stub for future fire line need cap or plug on it, Need to check, check valve on Fire line. Fireline is off, are they working on it inside of building? 06/02/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 6/12/06 1 year warranty approved per Kevin C.
Wastewater 05/25/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Paint bottom of Fire Hydrant, Arrow in valve collars, check backflow on sprinkler system, 6" stub for future fire line need cap or plug on it, Need to check, check valve on Fire line. Fireline is off, are they working on it inside of building? 06/02/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 6/12/06 1 year warranty approved per Kevin C.
Engineering 05/25/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.Revise Drawing of Record to show drain bar and line, set up lot light, remove construction debris, dumpster, and John, fill in botom of inlet box w/concrete or grout to get rid of standing water. 06/08/2005 Approed per Jason Draper.. Drain ok, Light Ok, Trash to stay thru TI only..
City Development Engineer 05/26/2005 Approved per Jason Draper 8/3/06 1 year warranty (City Project Engineer) Approved. per Ken B - Trash and pallets at rear of building and leaning against wall.
Landscaping Approved per Ray Synder.. Note:Field inspected by planning for Bldg A site appears to be per plan and no planning issures. Note: Contact City Forrest(Doug W.) to inspect street trees comply with City Ordinance 06/07/2005 Approved per Doug W. 8/3/06 1 year warranty (PARKS) Approved per Ken B
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