Tuscan Hills Phase 2
Number: Grading-34253

Drawing of Record Submitted 02/17/2006..revised 03/13/2006
Electronic Drawing 02/17/2006
Final Grading Report 02/17/2006
Date Scheduled 02/22/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 02/24/2006 Corrections required per Dennis Wright.. Put rock around transfer for protection 03/08/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright 6/5/2007 Approved per Dennis Wright 1 yr warranty
Water 02/24/2006 Corrections required pre Kevin Condie.. Valves concreted in, need to be broken out. to get lids off. 2. Meter setter on lot 206,205 not on lot line. 3. Fix wire. 03/07/2006 Approved per Kevin - Condie..Per Phone Call - check valve in phase 2 (5/30/06)
Wastewater 02/24/2006 Corrections required pre Kevin Condie.. Valves concreted in, need to be broken out. to get lids off. 2. Meter setter on lot 206,205 not on lot line. 3. Fix wire. 03/07/2006 Approved per Kevin - Condie..Per Phone Call - check valve in phase 2 (5/30/06)
Engineering 02/22/2006 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. 3 end of road signs @ each end monuments stamp class 1 install class 2 03/06/2006 Approved per Carlos Robles 8/21/2007 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. 1 year warranty..Not Ready (Asphalt)
City Development Engineer 03/10/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H. 1. Elec DWG of record-sewer co need to be tied from prop line adn TBC. Provide storm drain info(size, slope,etc.)2. 10% warranty bond. 3. Rockwall certifications 4. Clean streeets, 5. Add 2 additional end of road markers at end of Province Way, and Salvatore Drive. 6. Ponding along Province and landscape island (SE corner). 9/10/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
Landscaping 02/23/2006 Corrections required per Mark Bradley.. 1. Privacy wall and landscape along Plantations Drive.. 2. Hillside compliance letter. 03/06/2006 Corrections required per Mark Bradley..Hillside compliance letter, Privacy wall along Plantations Drive, Landscape between privacy wall and Plantations Drive, Doug W. City Forrester to inspect street trees. 9/10/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
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