[Bella Terrazza @ Sunbrook-Phase 1]
Number: Grading-34259

Drawing of Record Submitted 10/31/2006..revised 11/14/2006..Revised 11/17/2006
Electronic Drawing 10/31/2006..revised 11/14/2006..revised 11/17/2006
Final Grading Report 10/31/2006
Date Scheduled 11/02/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 11/3/06 Approved First phase per Dennis Wright. 10/4/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 11/2/06 Corrections Required per Kevin Condie. Need to check wire. Need arrow and line size in valve collars. All meter setters need to be set. Meter setters need boxes and concrete collar with rebar. All fire hydrant need concrete collars. Drawing of Record needs to show how fire lines go into building with all angles shown and angle in street. NOT READY. Need to loop into Luce Del Sol Road. 11/21/2006 Approved per Darrin Judd 11/07/2007 Approved per Per Tim Dotson.. 1 year warranty
Wastewater 11/2/06 Corrections Required per Kevin Condie. Need to check wire. Need arrow and line size in valve collars. All meter setters need to be set. Meter setters need boxes and concrete collar with rebar. All fire hydrant need concrete collars. Drawing of Record needs to show how fire lines go into building with all angles shown and angle in street. NOT READY. Need to loop into Luce Del Sol Road. 11/21/2006 Approved per Darrin Judd 11/07/2007 Approved per Per Tim Dotson.. 1 year warranty
Engineering 11/02/2006 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. 1. Broken walk, broken curb, plastic on handicap ramps, regrout storm drains,trim pipe, clean boxes,remove dirt ramps on curbs, clean streets, clean cement off of side walk. 11/17/2006 Approved per Brandon W. 10/09/2007 Corrections required per Brqandon Wright..1 yr warranty.. Repair broken walk on public side walk 11/13/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Brandon W.
City Development Engineer 11/17/2006 Corrections required per .. Ken B.. Building materials in gutter, general clean up needed,sidewalk covered w/dirt. 11/21/2006 Approved Per Cathy H. 10/9/07 - 1 year warranty - NA private streets per Cathy H.
Landscaping 11/09/2006 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. No Landscaping present 11/21/2006 Approved per Cathy H.. NOTE: Landscaping Bond abtained for remaining bldgs. NO CO until landscaping around each bldg is complete. 10/9/07 - 1 year warranty - NA private streets per Cathy H.
General Comments: