[Hilton Gardens]
Number: Grading-31524

Drawing of Record Submitted 06/08/2005..4 06/30/2005Revised?
Electronic Drawing 06/08/2005
Final Grading Report
Date Scheduled
City Development Engineer
Power 06/09/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright
Water 06/16/2005 Approved per Tim Jones
Wastewater 06/16/2005 Approved per Tim Jones
Engineering 06/09/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H. for Mike Hester..1. Final grading report,2. Grout around pipes w/in parking lot drain boxes(trim pipes if needed). 3. Clean out inside of parking lot drain box. 4. Clean out and grout pipes in curb inlets (trim pipes back if needed) (int, if 1670 and 2nd access).5, Trancated dowes-set flush w/back of curb . 6, FInish collaring manholes and valves. 7. General site clean up. 8. Clean Convention Center Drive. 9. Place a temp. asphalt berm on South parking lot future access(3 plus stalls). 10. Cover parking lot drains not in pavement to control silt. 10. Backfill behind s/w on public row. 11. Trim expansion joints, 12. Replace broken s/w on 1670 .. Revise DWG of records. 07/19/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson. Backfill behind curbs, ramp end of sidewalks on 1670 South. Clean out inlet boxes. 09/30/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 06/09/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of Records, Final Grading Report. 08/05/2005 Approved Per Cathy H 8/4/06 - 1 year warranty inspection Approved per Ken B
Landscaping 07/20/2005 Corrections required per Ray Snyder.. 1. Solid metal doors are not installed on enclosure yet.. (note_planning holding check for $2,000 until complete) (ref-2--4-pluck-005) 09/29/2005 Approved per Ray Snyder 8/4/06 - 1 year warranty inspection Approved per Ken B
General Comments: