[Cliffs @ Snow Canyon -Plat F]
Number: Grading-33321

Drawing of Record Submitted 06/17/2005
Electronic Drawing 06/17/2005
Final Grading Report 06/17/2005
Date Scheduled 06/22/2005
City Development Engineer
Power 06/23/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright 7/11/06 - 1 year warranty final inspection okay per Dennis Wright.
Water 07/07/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Lid need to be changed out to approved lids, need size of pipe in valve collars, lot #154 no water service, need to check locate wire. 08/02/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 07/11/2006 Yes 1 year warranty.. Per Darrin
Wastewater 07/07/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Lid need to be changed out to approved lids, need size of pipe in valve collars, lot #154 no water service, need to check locate wire. 08/02/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 07/11/2006 Yes 1 year warranty.. Per Darrin
Engineering 06/22/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. Stamp Monuments 07/06/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. Stamp Monuments 07/13/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 07/01/2005 Corrections required per Cthy Hasfurther.. For Wesley Jenkins..Electronic DWG of Reord- to Lonnie, Private Development Certification. 10% warranty Bond? 07/13/2005 Corrections required per Wesley Jenkins..Electronic Drawing of Records,Rock Wall between lots 149 and 150 not shown on Final construction drawings. A detail showwall rock wall location relative to property line shall be provided. Rock Wall shall be shown on drawing of record. Also provoide rock wall certification and inspection report from geotechnical engineer. Flared end section where storm drain line day lights at wash has been under mined and is hanging in the air. This area needs to be back filled and side channel walls should be rip rapped to prevent erosion. Private developement certification. 08/05/2005 Approved pe Wes Jenkins..(Lot #150 ONLY.. on Conditions.. )Waiting for improvement vond 10% guarantee bond.. Waiting for installation of drain line for Rock Wall per Geotechical Eng design.. Approval to release lot #150. 08/15/2005 Approved per Wesley Jenkins
Landscaping 06/21/2005 Approved Per Mark Bradley N/A
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