[Primrose Point Phase II]
Number: Grading-32942

Drawing of Record Submitted 12/14/2005..revised 12/22/2005
Electronic Drawing 12/14/2005..revised 12/22/2005
Final Grading Report 12/14/2005
Date Scheduled 12/20/2005
Power 06/30/2005 Approved Per Dennis Wright.. Permits Only
Water 06/30/2005 Approved per Carson Tait.. Permits Only
Wastewater 06/30/2005 Approved per Carson Tait.. Permits Only
Engineering 06/29/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson.. Permits Only
City Development Engineer 07/12/2005 Corrections Required Per Cathy H. Plat not approved by PC & CC-- Need to have Final plat then staff review. 08/10/2005 Approved per Cathy H.. Permits Only for LOTS: 71-thru 78.. 16-thru 19
Power 12/21/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright 12/5/06 1 year warranty Approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 12/20/2005 Approved per Tim Jones 2/27/07 1 year warranty - Approved per Kevin Condie. Wire okay.
Wastewater 12/20/2005 Approved per Tim Jones 2/27/07 1 year warranty - Approved per Kevin Condie. Wire okay.
Engineering 12/20/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson..(Bond in place to cover improvements)..Replace all broken sidewalk, install steps in inlet boxes over 4' deep,ramp ends of sidewalks, stamp monuments. 9/3/2007 Approved per Carlos Robles.. 1 year warranty
City Development Engineer 12/21/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H.. 1. Fix broken curb at intesection of 50 North and Acantilado. 2. Address what Ence is going to do with the gradation out of spec. in Final Grading Report. 3. Address comments from planning on Hillside Complinace letter.(Address concerns on distubing areas not to be disturbed. 4. Walls not constructed as per grading plan. 01/25/2006 Approved per Cathy H 12/26/2006 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. 1 year warranty..End of road markers required at South end of Arroyo Dr adn Acantilado Dr.Building materials in gutter and on sidewalk. Sidewalks need replacinig where cracked chunks missing on gutter shoulders(50 N Circle) Side grade is mismatched providing triping hazard,sidewalk has sunken around the west end of the circle and needs replaced corner at driveway on Arroyo Dr is broken off and needs repalced. 8/7/08 - 1 year warranty - Corrections required per Cathy H. Repair curbs and sidewalks where cracks are non-linear and new cracks established. Patch curb on Big chunks. 8/31/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 12/21/2005 Corrections required pre Mark Bradley.. Civil Engineer (Todd Edwards) needs to respond to note #2 of Hillside Certification and define encroachment areas. Trail area to be addressed by Chris Greenall/Kent Perkins.-- Landscape entrance of new bridge off 1680 East may want to bond or tie in with phase 3. Each lot abutting the no-disturb area would need certification based on Eng letter. 01/25/2006 Approved per Mark Bradley 12/26/2006 Approved per Ken Bricker.. 1 year warranty
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