Shadow Springs
Number: Grading-32729

Drawing of Record Submitted 07/05/2005
Electronic Drawing 07/05/2005
Final Grading Report 07/05/2005
Date Scheduled 07/07/2005
City Development Engineer
Power 07/08/2005 Approved Per Dennis Wright 7/11/06 - 1 year warranty final inspection okay per Dennis Wright.
Water 07/12/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie. Straighten up Fire hydrants, bigger arrow and numbers in valve collars.Need valve extention on deep valves. Clean and paint hydrants, Lot #10 wrong setter (not approved). Clean concrete out of meter boxes, Center setters in meter boxes, need to check locate wire. Landscaping meter box needed. Rebar concrete around it. 07/28/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Need to finish punch list 08/02/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 07/13/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. 1 Year Warranty..HOLD
Wastewater 07/12/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie. Straighten up Fire hydrants, bigger arrow and numbers in valve collars.Need valve extention on deep valves. Clean and paint hydrants, Lot #10 wrong setter (not approved). Clean concrete out of meter boxes, Center setters in meter boxes, need to check locate wire. Landscaping meter box needed. Rebar concrete around it. 07/28/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Need to finish punch list 08/02/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 07/13/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. 1 Year Warranty..HOLD
Engineering 07/07/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.Unwrap handicap -ramp inserts.. Shoulder asphalt paths,backfill sidewalk on Valley View,Trim expansion joints,clean sidewalks,stamp monuments, clean up spilled concrete,pin prop corners, clean inlet boxes,street name and step signs, check wall for sight distance onto Valley View,lot #32, seal crack in curb,lot #34 seal crack in curb. 07/19/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson. Complete monuments, check sight distance with wall on Valley View. 08/04/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 07/13/2005 Corrections required per Wes Jenkins..6" perforated drain pipe and rock wall not installed along the Northside of lots #9 and #10. Grading on trail along the back side of lot #12 slopes to the East towards the existing homes. grading of trail to be flat or create a V-ditch. Clean entrance curb and gutter. There is a lot of dirt and mud. Sweep entrance roadway, there is a lot of pavement aggregate. Clean catch basin grate in Valley View at end of asphalt trail (lot#23). Provide 10% warranty bond. 07/19/2005.Corrections required per Wes Jenkins.. Same instruction as above comments. 08/04/2005 Approved per Wes Jenkins 8/3/06 - 1 year warranty (City Project Engineer) per Ken B - Dirt and building materials covering sidewalks, sidewalks are missing, trash and weeds everywhere, building materials and trash in the streets, chips in curbing, curbs and sidewalks failing.
Landscaping Corrections required per Mark Bradley.. Street tree's required.. Install and call when ready. 07/28/2005 Corrections required per Mark Bradley..Portion complete. Privacy wall along Valley View Drive installed, landscape installed along Valley View Drive.. Portion incomplete.. Portion of wallnot complete on both corners North/South where gaps remain open-complete. City Forester to inspect/approve Street trees,complete retaining(privacy wall along back of lots adjacent to City property. 07/28/2005 Approved per Doug W. 08/10/2005 Approved per Mark Bradley 8/3/06 - Approved 1 year warranty (PARKS) per Ken B
General Comments: