Sierra Vista
Number: Grading-32420

Drawing of Record Submitted 07/13/2005
Electronic Drawing 07/13/2005
Final Grading Report 07/13/2005
Date Scheduled 07/14/2005
City Development Engineer
Power 07/28/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright 6/5/07 1 year warranty approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 07/15/2005 Corrections required per Kevin COndie.. Clean and paint hydrant, arrow and number in concrete collars. 08/02/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 6/7/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dustin Bracken.
Wastewater 07/15/2005 Corrections required per Kevin COndie.. Clean and paint hydrant, arrow and number in concrete collars. 08/02/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 6/7/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dustin Bracken.
Engineering 07/14/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson 6/6/07 1 year warranty corrections required per Brandon Wright. Sidewalk seperating from curb and gutter need to check subgrade, lot #1. Sidewalk lot #3 repair. Remove all dirt ramps over sidewalk and gutter. Clean all gutters.
City Development Engineer 07/15/2005 Corrections required per Jay Sandberg..Put material at end of road for better transition. put "pavement ends" sign up. Change catch basin grates direction. Move landscape large rock to South as discussed. (Note-met with Leo July 15, to discuss these items). 07/14/2006 Approved per Jay Sandberg 6/7/07 1 year warranty - Corrections required per Ken B. General Cleanup is needed. Weeds need to be cut back from sidewalks. Dirt berms are present and need to be removed.
Landscaping 07/15/2005 Approved per Mark Bradley. (Landscape installed.) Street trees along 2000 North to be approved by City Forrester. Doug Wulfenstein. 07/15/2005 Approved per Doug W. 6/7/07 1 year warranty - Corrections required per Ken B. General Cleanup is needed. Weeds need to be cut back from sidewalks. Dirt berms are present and need to be removed.
General Comments: