[Harvest Hills Phase I]
Number: Grading-34811

Drawing of Record Submitted 02/06/2006
Electronic Drawing 02/06/2006
Final Grading Report 02/13/2006
Date Scheduled 02/15/2006
Water 02/03/2006 Approved per Wayne M. Need to paint Fire Hydrant to pass Final, but ok for Permits.
Wastewater 02/03/2006 Approved per Wayne M. Need to paint Fire Hydrant to pass Final, but ok for Permits.
Engineering 02/03/2006 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer
Water 02/23/2006 Corrections required per Wayne M. Lot #2 needs a new 110 for meter box. Fire hydrant need to be paint to the bottom of the hydrant. 03/10/2006 Approved per Wayne M. All corrections have been made. 9/13/2007 Approved per Carson Tait.. 1 yr warranty.. wire good
Wastewater 02/23/2006 Corrections required per Wayne M. Lot #2 needs a new 110 for meter box. Fire hydrant need to be paint to the bottom of the hydrant. 03/10/2006 Approved per Wayne M. All corrections have been made. 9/13/2007 Approved per Carson Tait.. 1 yr warranty.. wire good
Engineering 02/16/200.. Corrections required per Larry Henderson..Concrete tests 03/10/2006 Corrections required per Carlos R..Trim sidewalk expansion paper,fix signs, ramp sidewalk with roadbase or dirt not Cobble Stone. 03/21/2006 Approved per Carlos Robles 9/10/2007 Approved per Carlos R 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 03/01/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H..1. Electronic DWG of record--need to tie sewer c.o. from TBC (done) and peop. line (not H20 meter). Provide as-built storm drain info. send revised plan to [email protected] 2. Clean storm drain catch basins. 3. Finish grade around temp turn around per new plan. 10/03/2006 Approved Per Cathy H. 9/7/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker.. 1 year warranty
Landscaping 02/15/2006 Approved per Mark Bradley.. N/A 9/7/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker.. 1 year warranty
General Comments: