[Park Plaza Phase II]
Number: Grading-28609

Drawing of Record Submitted 08/05/2005
Electronic Drawing 08/05/2005
Final Grading Report 08/05/2005
Date Scheduled 08/11/2005
City Development Engineer
Power 08/11/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright 09/14/2006 Approved Per Dennis Wright.. 1 year warranty
Water 08/11/2005 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. Cut numbers and arrows into valve collars,collar all valve boxes with concrete collars. Shorten the shut off handle on the meter setter to allow the valve to be opened fully. 08/16/2005 Corrections required per Carson Tait..The concrete collar around the valve box at the North entrance is not acceptable. It must be finsihed.(the concrete sureface). The Mixitself must meet the City spec. Because of the way the existing collar was borken out the new collr must encompass both of the valves. Please refer to standard drawinf #171 in teh CIty spec book. The valve can lids need to have the concrete armoved in order to inspect and access the inside of the can.. 08/23/2005 Corrections required per Tim Jones.. No locate wire ran up Fire hydrant. 10/12/2005 Approved per Carson Tait
Wastewater 08/11/2005 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. Cut numbers and arrows into valve collars,collar all valve boxes with concrete collars. Shorten the shut off handle on the meter setter to allow the valve to be opened fully. 08/16/2005 Corrections required per Carson Tait..The concrete collar around the valve box at the North entrance is not acceptable. It must be finsihed.(the concrete sureface). The Mixitself must meet the City spec. Because of the way the existing collar was borken out the new collr must encompass both of the valves. Please refer to standard drawinf #171 in teh CIty spec book. The valve can lids need to have the concrete armoved in order to inspect and access the inside of the can.. 08/23/2005 Corrections required per Tim Jones.. No locate wire ran up Fire hydrant. 10/12/2005 Approved per Carson Tait
Engineering 08/11/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.Backfill behind curb and sidewalk, ramp ends of sidewalks with base, collar water valve, remove plastic from handicap ramp insets, remove construction debris clean parking lot and sidewalk. 08/12/2005 Approved per Larry H
City Development Engineer Approved per Jay Sandberg
Landscaping 08/19/2005 Approved per Mark Bradley.. A. Doug Wulfenstein needs to approve the street trees, B. Landscaping around second bldg to be completed with CO 08/19/2005 Approved per Doug W.
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