Shinava Ridge
Number: Grading-35186

Drawing of Record Submitted 01/24/2007..revised 02/07/2007
Electronic Drawing 01/24/2007..revised 02/07/2007
Final Grading Report 01/24/2007
Date Scheduled 01/29/2007
City Development Engineer
Power 1/29/07 Approved per Dennis Wright 01/03/2008 Approved per Dennis Wright.. 1 yr warranty
Water 1/30/07 - IRRIGATION - Not Applicable per Zene - existing irrigation line in Entrada Trail, not on as-built. 1/30/07 - WATER - Corrections required per Kevin Condie. Need rebar in irrigation boxes. Check wire. Record of drawing needs to show IRR boxes and call out angles. 02/12/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie 1/18/2008 Approved per Wayne M.. 1 yr warranty.. checked all locate wire, traced and good
Wastewater 1/30/07 - IRRIGATION - Not Applicable per Zene - existing irrigation line in Entrada Trail, not on as-built. 1/30/07 - WATER - Corrections required per Kevin Condie. Need rebar in irrigation boxes. Check wire. Record of drawing needs to show IRR boxes and call out angles. 02/12/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie 1/18/2008 Approved per Wayne M.. 1 yr warranty.. checked all locate wire, traced and good
Engineering 01/30/2007 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. Stop signs and cross streets not in. Monuments not stamped, Pile of dirt on pads need to be removed. Clean up roads, and DI boxes. Final Grading Report did not meet City Spec. 02/15/2007 Approved per Brandon Wright 1/7/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright.. 1 yr warranty.. Private subdivision
City Development Engineer 1/29/07 Corrections required per Cathy H. Private improvement development certificate. Rock wall certifications - if any. per Ken B - Stop signs and street signs are missing. Pavement spauling at road G and road C intersection. General cleanup required. Construction materials laying in the road. Dirt berms present. Heavy equipment in the road. Pavement separation at several locations (very poor quality asphalt work). 02/09/2007 Gravel berm present, pavement spauling, groove in asphalt, asphalt spauling at several locations, construction materials in the street, streets are failing in many locations. 02/20/2007 Approved per Cathy H. 01/16/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker 1/3/08 - 1 year warranty - Approved per Cathy H. Private streets.
Landscaping 1/29/07 Approved per Ken B. 01/16/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker 1/3/08 - 1 year warranty - Approved per Cathy H. Private streets.
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