[Whisper Ridge Phase 1 & 2]
Number: Grading-35296

Drawing of Record Submitted 02/02/2006 ..revised 11/30/2006..12/07/2006revised..01/04/2007
Electronic Drawing 02/02/2006..11/30/2006..12/07/2006..01/04/2007..1/5/077
Final Grading Report 02/02/2006//12/01/2006
Date Scheduled 02/07/2006..12/04/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 02/07/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright 12/08/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright Phase 2
Water 02/08/2006 Approved per Kevin Condie 12/04/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Phase 1-2.. Need recrd of Drawing that shows pas line form Indian Hills. Need to check wire. 12/21/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Need a record of Drawing that is right. 01/05/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie.. Wire ok by Boyd..
Wastewater 02/08/2006 Approved per Kevin Condie 12/04/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Phase 1-2.. Need recrd of Drawing that shows pas line form Indian Hills. Need to check wire. 12/21/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Need a record of Drawing that is right. 01/05/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie.. Wire ok by Boyd..
Engineering 02/07/2006 Approved per Larry Henderson 12/04/2006 Broanodn Wirght.. Street signs.End of roadmarkers.SIdewalk not poured.Clean and grout DI boxes.Clean streets remove all dirt ramps over curb. Broken curb repair, Trim expansion in curb. Asphalt seperating on lower cu de sac. 12/20/2006 Approved per Brandon Wright
City Development Engineer 8/29/06 Corrections Required per Cathy H. Fix catch basin - trim pipe and re-grout around pipe. Remove structures and large boulders from islands at entrance (within public row). 09/05/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H. All walls to be removed and rocks removed or lowered w/only 2' above ground(islands and public row). 9/13/06 Corrrections Required per Cathy H. Structures in islands and shoulders to be removed. 12/04/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H.. General clean up is needed, building materials in the outter and end of road markers are missing and must be installed. Electronic Dwg of record needs to show power box locations and storm drain on drainage system. 12/14/2006 Corrections required Per Cathy H.. 1. Make collections per previous comments. 2. Electronic Dwg of record needs to show SD info, location etc. all rock wall locations,power location,offsite H20 line location & info. 12/20/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H.. Electronic Dwg of record--still need updated.. 01/08/2007 Approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 02/15/2006 Corrections required per Mark Bradley.. Provide Hillside complinace letter 12/04/2006 Approved Per Ken Brikcer
General Comments: