[Terraces @ Seven Hills Phase II]
Number: Tracking-35401

Drawing of Record Submitted 10/17/2005
Electronic Drawing 10/17/2005
Final Grading Report 10/12/2005
Date Scheduled 10/18/2005
City Development Engineer 10/26/2005 Corrections required per Wes Jenkins.Rockwall lot #55 along 2200 Wests to be completed. Retaining wall between lots 55-56, 56-57 and 57-58 to be completed. Sidewalk not complete. complete prior to final inspection. Landscaping not complete. complete prior to Final inspection. Gound water issue at Tuweep Drive where storm drain lines daylight. Obtain recommendation from Geotechnical Engineer to deal with ground water. 11/17/2005 Approved per per Wes Jenkins.1. Sidewalk not complete.. Complete prior to Final inspection. 2. Landscaping not complete.. Complete prior to Final Inspection. 3. Provide rockwall certification for lot #54 prior to Final inspection.
Power 10/19/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright 12/5/06 1 year warranty Approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 10/20/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Clean and paint hydrants, hydrant at lot 38 and 39 turn to street.. straighten meter setter in box-- check all.. W in curb's.. need to check wire. 10/25/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 01/17/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie 1 yr warranty
Wastewater 10/20/2005 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Clean and paint hydrants, hydrant at lot 38 and 39 turn to street.. straighten meter setter in box-- check all.. W in curb's.. need to check wire. 10/25/2005 Approved per Kevin Condie 01/17/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie 1 yr warranty
Engineering 10/19/2005 Approved per Larry Henderson 1/2/07 1 year warranty - Corrections required by Brandon Wright. Broken walk from traffic. Cracked curb. Need some type of erosion control - sediment is running into strom drain.
City Development Engineer 01/18/2006 Corrections required per Wes Jenkins..Replace broken section of sidewlak along Tuweap Dr, appoximately station 24 and 50. 01/23/2006 Approved per Wes Jenkins 12/27/2006 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. 1 year warranty..Remove trash dumpster and building materials form sidewalk, general cleanup needed
Landscaping 10/13/2005 Approved per Doug W. 12/27/2006 Approved Per Ken Bricker.. 1 year warranty
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