Wilson Industrail Plaza
Number: Grading-32205

Drawing of Record Submitted 11/07/2005
Electronic Drawing 11/07/2005
Final Grading Report 11/07/2005
Date Scheduled 11/09/2005
City Development Engineer
Power 11/09/2005 Approved per Dennis Wright 10/4/06 1 year warranty approved per Dennis Wright
Water 11/10/2005Corrections required per Carson Tait..18-units on a 1"meter?need an accurate as built drawing. Need a circular concrete collar around the valves. Need to cut direction of flow arrows and linesizes into the new collar.Need to clean the concrete off of the fire hydrant and paint it and the riser. Need to make customer shut off valve accessabel. Need to have backflow assembly tested and tagged. 11/18/2005 Approved Per Tim Jones
Wastewater 11/10/2005Corrections required per Carson Tait..18-units on a 1"meter?need an accurate as built drawing. Need a circular concrete collar around the valves. Need to cut direction of flow arrows and linesizes into the new collar.Need to clean the concrete off of the fire hydrant and paint it and the riser. Need to make customer shut off valve accessabel. Need to have backflow assembly tested and tagged. 11/18/2005 Approved Per Tim Jones
Engineering 11/09/2005 Corrections Required per Larry Henderson. Update grading report w/cans results 11/18/2005 Approved per Jay Sandberg..Updated grading report driveway test--ok 11/15/06 - 1 year warranty - Approved per Carlos R.
City Development Engineer 11/18/2005 Approved per Jay Sandberg 11/15/06 - 1 year warranty - Approved per Ken B.
Landscaping 11/18/2005 Approved perRay Synder..With conditions..1, see attached letter dated 11-17-05. Surety of $4,500 IS BEING HELD TO ALLOW APPLICANT UNTIL DEC.8,2005 TO COMPLETE TRASH ENCLOSURE(s).2. Additional tree to be installed by Dec 8. 3. Any trees that die will be replaced under warrenty.
General Comments: