[Boulder Springs Villas Phase II]
Number: Grading-32062

Drawing of Record Submitted 01/06/2006
Electronic Drawing
Final Grading Report 01/10/2006
Date Scheduled 01/17/2006
City Development Engineer
Water 01/18/2006 Corrections required per Wayne.. Lot #58 needs W cut in the curb, Paint all Fire hydrants, cut arrows and pipe size around valve cans. 02/03/2006 Approved per Wayne Macintash 01/17/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie.. for 1 yr warranty.. wire ok 12/02/2013 Corrections required per Darrin Judd.. Per Darrin Judd.. Turn hydrant in rear of Culdisac bring wire up on hydrant locate phase line valve and raise with valve can Behind culdisac west of hydrant.. Repair tracer wire form hydrant valve going east markers in blue paint/ Clean out mete boxes expose valve on back side off setter. Repair double meter; lax's on lot going south marker in blue.
Wastewater 01/18/2006 Corrections required per Wayne.. Lot #58 needs W cut in the curb, Paint all Fire hydrants, cut arrows and pipe size around valve cans. 02/03/2006 Approved per Wayne Macintash 01/17/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie.. for 1 yr warranty.. wire ok 12/02/2013 Corrections required per Darrin Judd.. Per Darrin Judd.. Turn hydrant in rear of Culdisac bring wire up on hydrant locate phase line valve and raise with valve can Behind culdisac west of hydrant.. Repair tracer wire form hydrant valve going east markers in blue paint/ Clean out mete boxes expose valve on back side off setter. Repair double meter; lax's on lot going south marker in blue.
Engineering 01/17/2006 Corrrections required per Larry Henderson..Clean inlet boxes, trim expansion joints, replace broken sidewalk. 02/02/2006 Approved per Larry Henderson
City Development Engineer 01/30/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H.. 1. Private Development Certificate.2. Electronic DWG of record. 02/03/2006 Approved Cathy H 01/19/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. 1 yr warranty..General cleanup is required, rock piles in the street,end of road markers are required.
Landscaping 01/17/2006.. Approved per Mark Bradley.. N/A 01/19/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker.. 1 yr warranty
General Comments: