Tonaquint Terrace Phase II
Number: Grading-35997

Drawing of Record Submitted 06/28/2006
Electronic Drawing 06/28/2006
Final Grading Report 06/28/2006
Date Scheduled 06/29/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 07/05/2006 Corrections required per Dennis Wright.. NOT READY 7/21/06 - Approved per Dennis Wright
Water 06/29/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. NOT READY for Final. 7/25/06 Corrections required per Kevin Condit. Paint bottom of fire hydrant and hydrant if needs it. Remove concrete from inside box. Check valves. Meter box needs to be raied by fire hydrant in 2270 S Cir. Phase line valve need raised. Broken concrete on meter collar. 8/7/06 Corrections REQUIRED per Kevin Condie - Concrete not poured around 7 meter boxes. 08/15/2006 Approved per Kevin Condie.. Tim check meter setters 7/11/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dustin Bracken.
Wastewater 06/29/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. NOT READY for Final. 7/25/06 Corrections required per Kevin Condit. Paint bottom of fire hydrant and hydrant if needs it. Remove concrete from inside box. Check valves. Meter box needs to be raied by fire hydrant in 2270 S Cir. Phase line valve need raised. Broken concrete on meter collar. 8/7/06 Corrections REQUIRED per Kevin Condie - Concrete not poured around 7 meter boxes. 08/15/2006 Approved per Kevin Condie.. Tim check meter setters 7/11/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dustin Bracken.
Engineering 06/29/2006 Corrections required per Carlos Robles.. NOT READY!! 7/25/06 Corrections required per Brandon Wright - NOT READY. 8/3/06 Correction required per Carlos and Brandon. Connect drains to curb. See Final Inspection Checklist provided by Carlos. Clean roads, roadbase, dirt. Ramps over sidewalks, cracked sidewalks, cracked gutters, expansion joints trimmed. Drain boxes for drain on rock walls, clean lots, set property corners, monuments not stamped. 08/16/2006 Approved per Brandon Wright 7/9/07 - 1 year warranty - corrections required per Brandon Wright. Cul de sac 2230 S Cir damaged by Fellerstone on asphalt - to be repaired by Fellerstone.
City Development Engineer 8/1/06 Corrections required per Brett B - Revise electronic dwg of record - TBC sewer lateral tie needs to be from TBC not prop line (show TBC). Hillside compliance letter. 10% warranty bond. 08/08/2006 Corrections required per Brett Bingham.. Complete rockwalls and finish concrete work around water meters. Complete rockwall drainage system. 08/14/2006 Complete previous corrections from 8-8-06 08/17/2006 Approved per Cathy H. 7/9/07 - 1 year warranty - corrections required per Ken B - Curb Shoulders are broekn at several locations. Entry of road markers missing.
Landscaping 08/17/2006 Approved per Cathy H. 7/9/07 - 1 year warranty - corrections required per Ken B - Curb Shoulders are broekn at several locations. Entry of road markers missing.
General Comments: