Southwest Transitional Apartments
Number: Grading-36228

Drawing of Record Submitted 11/30/2006..12/08/2006
Electronic Drawing 11/30/2006..01/11/2007
Final Grading Report 11/30/2006
Date Scheduled 12/05/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 12/10/2007 Approved per Dennis Wright.. 1 yr warranty
Water 12/05/2006 Approved per Darin Judd 12/11/2007 Corrections required per Tim Dotson.. Wire in valve can is coming up the center of valve can, not to City spec. Paint Fire Hyd valve collars are not 12" round not to City sec.
Wastewater 12/05/2006 Approved per Darin Judd 12/11/2007 Corrections required per Tim Dotson.. Wire in valve can is coming up the center of valve can, not to City spec. Paint Fire Hyd valve collars are not 12" round not to City sec.
Engineering 12/05/2006 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. New drawing of record 12/20/06 Approved per Brandon W. 12/12/2007 Approved per Brandon Wright.. 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 12/05/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H..Dumpster in parking area, construction mat'l on the site, temp power pole still, being used and hydrant in use.. Elec Dwg of record needs to be in auto cad not pdf 12/20/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H.. Electronic Dwg of record-- Called Ashley 12-20-06 1/12/06 Corrections required per Ken B. Access barricaded off due to missing asphalt. per Cathy - Electronic Dwg of Record from 12/20/06. 01/12/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Access barricaded off due to missing asphalt. 01/24/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker 1/4/08 - 1 year warranty - Approved per Cathy H. Private Parking Lot.
Landscaping 12/05/2006 Approved per Ken Bricker 1/4/08 - 1 year warranty - Approved per Cathy H. Private Parking Lot.
General Comments: