Number: Grading-31109

Drawing of Record Submitted 03/29/2006
Electronic Drawing 03/29/2006
Final Grading Report 03/29/2006
Date Scheduled 03/30/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 03/31/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright 7/6/2007 Approved per Dennis Wright..1 yr warranty
Water 03/31/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson 8/8/2007 1 year warranty..approved per Carson Tait
Wastewater 03/31/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson 8/8/2007 1 year warranty..approved per Carson Tait
Engineering 03/30/2006 Corrections required per Carlos Robles.. Clean and grout stormdrain, Pond certification 04/07/2006 Approved per Carlos Robles 7/10/2007 Approved per Carlos R 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 04/03/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H.. Repair sinking asphalt by catch basin and light pole in Southeast parking area. Replace section of missing S/W and repair rockwall at South portion of 1410 East. Provide rock wall certification letters. Provide Hillside compliance letter. Detention area different than on approved plans. Build per plan or revise grading plan for City approval. Complete drainage system to the North of parking lot per plan. Also complete drainage on the South per approved plans. Curb and gutter is missing on South parking area - build per approved drawings. 10% Warranty Bond. Repair asphalt of 1470 East by North entrance (deep scar of road). Electronic dwg of record. 04/14/2006 Corrections required epr Cathy H..1. 10% warranty bond on public improvements 2. Hillside compliance letter addressing conditions set forth by Hillside board-Civil Engineer to stamp. 3. Temporary detention letter is not acceptable. Why not built per plan?4. Complete drainiage box North of North parking lot area. 5. Which rockwall letter addresses the wall against Hillside? Letter for rock in wash and lots 1-11, but does not state location on lots 1-11. 6. Provide Electronic DWG of record. 7. Curb and gutter islands missing in South Parking lot- construct per plan. 8. Repair deep scar of asphalt in 1410 East by North access. 6/26/06 Corrections REQUIRED per Cathy H. Hillside compliance letter. Rock wall certifications. Update electronic dwg of record. Rapair 1470 E where scar in asphalt occurred by North access. 7/25/06 Corrections Required per Cathy H. Hillside compliance letter from Civil Eng addressing Hillside conditions. 8/4/06 Approved per Cathy H. 7/9/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
Landscaping 04/03/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H..1. Doug W. needs to go check street trees. 2. Finish landscaping of site per plan. 3. Finish dumpster enclosure. 04/05/2006 Corrections required per Doug W. Space on center of property is greater than 60' need trees in this area. 04/14/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H.. Finish Dumpster enclosure 7/25/06 Approved per Cathy H. 7/9/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
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