[Pineview Commerical Center (Dixie Nutrition)]
Number: Grading-36040

Drawing of Record Submitted 8/30/2007
Electronic Drawing 8/28/2007..revised 8/30/2007
Final Grading Report 8/28/2007..revised 8/30/2007
Date Scheduled 8/29/2007
City Development Engineer
Power 8/29/07 approved per Dennis Wright. 8/5/2008 Approved per Dennis Wright 1 yr warranty
Water 8/29/2007 Correctiosn required per Carson Tait.. Need: An accurate drawing of record. Line size and direction of flow arrows cut into valve box collars. The re-bar in the meter boxes has been installed wrong.Please refer to the detail in the City Spec. We must be able to R&R the meter and access the valves. The backflow assembly on the Fire Riser must be tested and tagged. 9/4/2007 Approved per Carson Tait 8/12/2008 Approved per Carson Tait.. 1yr warranty
Wastewater 8/29/2007 Correctiosn required per Carson Tait.. Need: An accurate drawing of record. Line size and direction of flow arrows cut into valve box collars. The re-bar in the meter boxes has been installed wrong.Please refer to the detail in the City Spec. We must be able to R&R the meter and access the valves. The backflow assembly on the Fire Riser must be tested and tagged. 9/4/2007 Approved per Carson Tait 8/12/2008 Approved per Carson Tait.. 1yr warranty
Engineering 9/5/07 approved per Carlos R. 8/15/2008 Approved per Carlos Robles.. 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 8/29/07 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record needs to show all as-built information (ex. storm drain inlets, rim, inverts, pipe sizes, type of pipe, etc). You also need to show ties to any sewer laterals, etc. This drawing still has "install" language - not an as-built. As-built pts need to be included in the autocad file to verify certain locations. per Ken B. Landscaping still being installed. Ext pole lights laying in parking area. Port-a-pot and dumpster still on site. Gravel pile in parking lot. 9/11/2007 Approved per Cathy H. 8/7/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
Landscaping 8/29/07 corrections required per Ken B. Landscaping still being installed. Ext pole lights laying in parking area. Port-a-pot and dumpster still on site. Gravel pile in parking lot. 9/5/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker 8/7/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
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