[Stone Point Townhomes I II IIl]
Number: Grading 28829

Drawing of Record Submitted 05/04/2005 4 copies.revised 8/10/2005
Electronic Drawing 08/10/2005
Final Grading Report 05/04/2005--07/29/2005(phase 2)
Date Scheduled
Power 08/06/2003.Corrections required. Power being placed at this time, power ok for permits only, No temp Power for Const. in this phase.
Water 8/12/2003. Approved per Jeff Lance. permits only for lots 57&58.
Wastewater 8/12/2003. Approved per Jeff Lance. permits only for lots 57&58.
Engineering Verification of Compliance required before release for permits! 08/06/2003. Approved per Larry Henderson. Must provide drainage for flood protection for water coming off of Hill above lots.
City Development Engineer
Power 05/19/04. Corrections required. per Dennis Wright. Power not ready for Final. 08/16/04 Power ok for Final Phase 1 only 05/10/2005 Corrections required per Dennis Wright.. Phase 1-2-3 Overhead power needs to come down.. needs to be finished 08/19/2005 Approved per Dennsi Wright Phase 1-2-3
Water 4/27/04 - corrections required per Kevin Condie. Paint bottom of fire hydrants. Replace 2 broken meter boxes. Change valve going into culd-a-sac from 8" to 4". Raise phase line valve, concrete and collar. 05/05/04. Approved per Kevin Condie, Corrections require per Boyd.. Cut in arrows and size on Hyd valve, replace concrete around meter box.. plumb hyd at entrance. 08/16/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Bolt on fire hydrant is in concrete-- we can not fix it if broken. 2. Finish punch list 08/29/2006 Approved Per Kevin Condie Phase 1-2-3
Wastewater 4/27/04 - corrections required per Kevin Condie. Paint bottom of fire hydrants. Replace 2 broken meter boxes. Change valve going into culd-a-sac from 8" to 4". Raise phase line valve, concrete and collar. 05/05/04. Approved per Kevin Condie, Corrections require per Boyd.. Cut in arrows and size on Hyd valve, replace concrete around meter box.. plumb hyd at entrance. 08/16/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Bolt on fire hydrant is in concrete-- we can not fix it if broken. 2. Finish punch list 08/29/2006 Approved Per Kevin Condie Phase 1-2-3
Engineering 4/27/04 corrections required per Larry Henderson. Seal cracked curb. Install signs. Complete power. Complete drainage. Trim expansion joints. Install street lights. 05/12/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson .. Phase 1 ONLY.. Tie drainage into ditch on South End. 08/02/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. Drain line is to be extended past power pole into ditch and covered. 08/08/2005 Corrections required per Larry Henderson.. NOT DONE 08/16/2005 Corrections required per Larry H .. Fix drain line as discussed 09/15/2005 Approved per Larry H
City Development Engineer 06/08/04 Corrections required per Catherine Hasfurther. Hillside compliance letter- Not complete missing wall and drainage facilities. Corrections required per Cathy. Hillside compliance letter. 05/19/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H.. Hillside compliance letter.. Private Improvement Certificate. 08/05/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H. Finish collaring valves and manholes, clean up around back of curb at Dead End locations.Trim expansion joints. Finish improvements along Stone Mtn. Drive.. Provide Hillside Compliance Letter. Provide Private Developement Improvements Cert.Electronic DWG of Record. 08/18/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H. 1. Finish sidewalk on Stone Mtn Drive, Complete retainig/debris wall along Hillside as per construction letter, 3. Hillside compliance letter, 4. Private development improvement certificate for additional phases. 5. Clean up curb and sidewalk, also slope at dead end turn around . 08/18/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H.1. Stop sign @ cul-de-sac.. Extend perforated pipe behind wall into the natural drainage ditch by the power pole (20') 09/26/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H..1. Finish sidewalk on Stone Mtn. Dr. Complete retaining/debris wall along Hillside as per construction plans. Hillside compliance letter. Private development improvements certificate, for addional 4 & 5 phases. Electronic DWG of record. 10/27/2005 Corrections required per Cathy H.. See Last corrections sheet 8/15/06 Corrections Required Hillside compliance letter. Private improvement edevelopment certificate, Electronic dwg of record. 0821/2006 Approved per Cathy H
Landscaping 5/6/04 corrections required per Mark Bradley. Provide hillside letter of verification of compliance. 08/13/04 Corrections Required Per bark B. Need Hillside development permit letter of verification. 8-13. Landscape recreation areas. 06/01/2005..Corrections required per Mark Bradley ..Same comments as before, need Hillside development permit letter of verification unless City Engineer has received it. Landscape recreation area. 08/17/2005Corrections required per Mark Bradley.. Retaining walls not installed in phase 4 and 5 (against Hillside) Sidewalk/stop signs not complete. Need to discuss(landscaping plan) 10/14/2005 Corrections required per Mark Bradley.. Complete requires from last inspection 10/27/2005 Corrections required per Mark Bradley..Complete previous requirements as dated 8-17-05 (Visited site on 10-24-05) 08/15/2006 Corrections required per Cathy H.. Hillside compliance letter,private improvment development cert. Electronic Dwg of record 08/21/2006 Approved per Cathy H.
General Comments:
Hillside Dev. Pmt. appr. by CC 9/5/02 $20,000 Restoration Bond is certificate of deposit at Wells Fargo Bank / City named as joint owner. Maturity date is 1/24/04. 05/05/2005 Rcvd. Private Development Improvement Certification