[Tuscan Hills Phase 1]
Number: Grading-34253

Drawing of Record Submitted 05/12/2006
Electronic Drawing 05/12/2006
Final Grading Report 05/12/2006
Date Scheduled 05/16/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 05/17/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright 6/5/07 1 year warranty approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 05/19/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Need to check wire. 5/30/06 Approved per Kevin Condie Check valve in phase 2. 6/6/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dustin Bracken.
Wastewater 05/19/2006 Corrections required per Kevin Condie.. Need to check wire. 5/30/06 Approved per Kevin Condie Check valve in phase 2. 6/6/07 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dustin Bracken.
Engineering 05/16/2006 Corrections required per Carlos Robles..Clean out boxes, fix and repair curb, remove dirt from sidewalk, storm drain lids. 6/15/06 Approved per Carlos Robles 6/6/07 1 year warrant corrections required per Brandon Wright. Broken handicap ramps 1690 S and Province Way (2). Broken walk entry way. Side walk on Province Way seperating from curb. Remove and replace North side of street. Cracked curb on Province Way. Repair all concrete that is painted or patched with silicone. 8/22/07 - 1 year warranty - not ready per Brandon Wright (Asphalt). 9/4/07 - 1 year warranty - not ready for inspection per Brandon Wright.
City Development Engineer 5/16/06 - Corrections Required per Cathy H. Storm drawn catch basin needs to be fixed to sit flush at the West end of plantations. Provide rock wall certifications. Flip storm drain grates to catch flow direction. Also turn over grate from upside down (triple inlet locations). Flip grate over on storm drain catch basin on South side of private street. Place survey monuments. Repair asphalt on Plantations Drive where equipment (approx 40'). Dug in pavement. (approx 100' from Dixie Drive intersection. The rest of sewer (West end of project) to mh, size type and length of storm drain pipe, sewer etc. 6/8/06 Approved per Cathy H. 6/7/07 1 year warranty - corrections required per Cathy H. Remove large rocks/boulders within 10' clear zone on Plantations Dr. 8/23/07 - 1 year warranty - not ready.
Landscaping 5/16/06 - Corrections Required per Cathy H. Complete landscaping along Plantations Drive. Complete landscaping in islands on Private streets. Street trees to be approved by Doug Wulfenstein - City forester. 5/30/06 - Approved (Street Trees) per Doug Wulfenstein. 06/29/2006 Approved per Brett B. 6/7/07 1 year warranty - corrections required per Cathy H. Remove large rocks/boulders within 10' clear zone on Plantations Dr. 8/23/07 - 1 year warranty - not ready.
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