[Hidden Valley-Ivoy Homes-Estates Phase 1 & 2]
Number: Grading-37449

Drawing of Record Submitted 01/19/2007..revised 02/22/2007
Electronic Drawing 01/19/2007..revised 02/22/2007
Final Grading Report 02/22/2007
Date Scheduled 01/22/2007
Water 1/23/07 Approved per Tim Dotson. Still Need final walk through.
Wastewater 1/23/07 Approved per Tim Dotson. Still Need final walk through.
City Development Engineer
Water 01/22/2007 Corrections required per Zene M. Irr.. Not Ready for FINAL. Not to City Spec's. 2/27/07 IRRIGATION - approved per Zene M - All okay. 01/23/2007 Corrections required per Tim Dotson.. Still need Final.. Ok For Permits Only.. 2/23/07 Approved per Wayne M - checked locate wire passed. W in crub, firehyd were paint and arrows in valve cans. 6/17/2008 Approved per Darrin Judd.. 1 yr warrant.. wire good 12/02/2008 Corrections requied per Irrigation Brandon Canfield.. 1 year warranty.. needs to replace some meter box lids & replace some concrete around meter boxes 12/17/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Daren Judd - Wire good. 1/22/2009 Corrections required per Brandon Canfield Irrigation.. 1 year warranty, need new meter box lid on 357 Calgary Dr,need to replace concrete around meter box on 340 Munich Dr, plus fix anything that is painted in Purple 1/30/2009 Approved per Brandon Canfiled.. 1 year warranty.. I pass Hidden Valley Phase 1 Residential off
Wastewater 01/22/2007 Corrections required per Zene M. Irr.. Not Ready for FINAL. Not to City Spec's. 2/27/07 IRRIGATION - approved per Zene M - All okay. 01/23/2007 Corrections required per Tim Dotson.. Still need Final.. Ok For Permits Only.. 2/23/07 Approved per Wayne M - checked locate wire passed. W in crub, firehyd were paint and arrows in valve cans. 6/17/2008 Approved per Darrin Judd.. 1 yr warrant.. wire good 12/02/2008 Corrections requied per Irrigation Brandon Canfield.. 1 year warranty.. needs to replace some meter box lids & replace some concrete around meter boxes 12/17/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Daren Judd - Wire good. 1/22/2009 Corrections required per Brandon Canfield Irrigation.. 1 year warranty, need new meter box lid on 357 Calgary Dr,need to replace concrete around meter box on 340 Munich Dr, plus fix anything that is painted in Purple 1/30/2009 Approved per Brandon Canfiled.. 1 year warranty.. I pass Hidden Valley Phase 1 Residential off
Engineering 02/22/2007 Corrections required per Carlos Robles.. Grading report Final inspection needed 3/5/07 Approved per Carlos R 6/18/2008 Corrections required per Carlos R.. 1 yr warranty remove & replace broken sidewalk,curb,& Gutters and water ways cross gutters, fix damage asphalt 10/28/2008 Corrections required per Carlos Robles.. 1 yr warranty Existing list 11/18/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Carlos R. 2/12/2009 Approved per Carlos 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 01/22/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker..Requires street signs, stop signs, and asphalt. 2/23/07 Approved per Cathy H. Electronic dwg of record - acceptable but not in correct coordinate system. 6/17/2008 Approved per Ken Bricker. 1 yr warranty 12/2/08 - 1 year warranty - corrections required - per Ken B. Replace curb at area #1 on plat, Replace cracked and sunken curb at point #2 on plat. Replace full depth crack of curb at #3 and #4 on Plat. 6/17/2008 Approved per ahty H.. 1 yr warranty
Landscaping 01/22/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. No Landscape present 2/23/07 Approved per Ken B. 6/17/2008 Approved per Ken Bricker.. 1 yr warranty
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