[Pelican Hills Phase 1]
Number: Grading-36879

Drawing of Record Submitted 9/122007..revised 9/24/07..9/27/2007
Electronic Drawing 9/12/2007..revised 9/24/07..9/27/2007
Final Grading Report 9/11/2007
Date Scheduled 9/17/2007
City Development Engineer
Power 9/17/2007 Approved per Dennis Wright.. Phase 1 only..
Water 9/17/2007 Correctiosn required per Kevin Condie.. All Fire hydrants need concrete around them,clean and paint Fire hydrants,Check wire, Turn on all valves,all meter in this phase need concrete collars w/rebar. Can not find North meter by Tennis Court, need record of drawing that is right. 10/4/07 approved per Kevin Condie via phone.
Wastewater 9/17/2007 Correctiosn required per Kevin Condie.. All Fire hydrants need concrete around them,clean and paint Fire hydrants,Check wire, Turn on all valves,all meter in this phase need concrete collars w/rebar. Can not find North meter by Tennis Court, need record of drawing that is right. 10/4/07 approved per Kevin Condie via phone.
Engineering 9/18/2007 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. Broken walk,along Canyon View Drive,signs not in. End of road markers, settling on sewer trench on Canyon View Drive. 10/4/07 approved per Brandon Wright.
City Development Engineer 9/17/2007 Corrections required per Cathy H...electronic Dwg of record needs to show lateral ties from TBC & SMH storm drain needs to be shown for entire project along North boundry,Dixie and New Canyon View(needs to include pipe seze & type & length.) Also Dwg needs to be put in City HEN cordinate system. 10% warranty bond on public improvements, private development cert letter, new phasing plan approved by JUC. Ada parking is in/comp. 9/25/2007 Corrections required per Cathy H..Electronic DWG of record missing WRB inlet info at the corner of Dixie Dr & New Canyon View Dr. Also need storm drain MH info on West End of New Canyon View Dr. Provide all storm drain info along Dixie Dr & The Subdivision North Boundary for approval w/this phase. 10% warranty bond for public improvements, phasing plan to be approved by JUC. Private improvements development certificate. Corrections required Cathy H.. 9/25/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Electronic DWG of record missing WRB inlet info at the corner of Dixie Dr & New Canyon View Dr. Also need storm drain MH info on West End of New Canyon View Dr. Provide all storm drain info along Dixie Dr & The Subdivision North Boundary for approval w/this phase. 10% warranty bond for public improvements, phasing plan to be approved by JUC. Private improvements development certificate. 9/28/07 corrections required per Cathy H. 10% warranty bond. 120% improvement guarantee for Phase 1B. 10/4/07 approved per Jay Sandberg. Received bonds. Address coordinates to be resolved on next phase. 9/8/08 -1 year warranty - Check only Dixie Drive and new road on South side of project - Corrections required per Ken B. - TBC has settled 1-2" below sidewalk at various locations along Dixie Drive.
Landscaping 9/17/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. ADA Parking is in/comp. 9/25/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Conc. pad forms in place trash dumpster & pot a pot on site, clean up needed. 9/28/07 corrections required per Cathy H. 10% warranty bond. 120% improvement guarantee for Phase 1B. 10/4/07 approved per Jay Sandberg. Received bonds. Address coordinates to be resolved on next phase. 9/8/08 -1 year warranty - Check only Dixie Drive and new road on South side of project - Corrections required per Ken B. - TBC has settled 1-2" below sidewalk at various locations along Dixie Drive.
General Comments: