[Cottam Fields Subdivision]
Number: Gradng-37471

Drawing of Record Submitted 7/20/2007
Electronic Drawing 7/20/2007
Final Grading Report 7/20/2007
Date Scheduled 7/20/2007
City Development Engineer
Water 7/31/07 corrections required per Darrin Judd - 7/30 wire is good. 7/31 - put arrows and line size in cement around valve collars. 8/1/07 approved per Darrin Judd. 12/17/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Daren Judd - wire good. Check with Carson about billing Quality for hydrant that we moved. Carson said we cannot bill.
Wastewater 7/31/07 corrections required per Darrin Judd - 7/30 wire is good. 7/31 - put arrows and line size in cement around valve collars. 8/1/07 approved per Darrin Judd. 12/17/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Daren Judd - wire good. Check with Carson about billing Quality for hydrant that we moved. Carson said we cannot bill.
Engineering 7/25/2007 Corrections required per Carlos.. Street signs, monuments property corners, clean out storm drain boxes, finish block wall 8/9/2007 Approved per Carlos R 3/12/2009 Approved per Carlos Robles.. 1 year warranty
City Development Engineer 7/23/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Cathy H..Electronic Dwg of records needs to show drainage improvements and ties to the sewer laterals from TBC and property lines...No stop signs/streest signs no end of road markers, asphalt, is spauling and requires sealing, const mat laying on s/w water valve conc,. collar has/sunken below grade trash in storm drain still grading lots. sight distance to left is very limited. 7/30/07 corrections required per Ken B. Privacy wall and landscaping at River Road frontage has not been started. 8/6/07 corrections required per Ken B. Privacy wall and landscape at frontage has not been started. Pallets of block at frontage are blocking driver's sight distance at stop sign (both directions). 1/3/08 corrections required per Ken B. Wrong street trees planted and need replaced under powerlines (per Millie). 1/7/08 approved per Ken B. 12/4/08 - 1 year warranty - corrections required per Ken B. Replace curb at #1 & 2 on plat. Corner has sunken at #3 on plat (water is standing/ponding). 3/12/09 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 7/23/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. no lnadscape present. 7/30/07 corrections required per Ken B. Privacy wall and landscaping at River Road frontage has not been started. 8/6/07 corrections required per Ken B. Privacy wall and landscape at frontage has not been started. Pallets of block at frontage are blocking driver's sight distance at stop sign (both directions). 1/3/08 corrections required per Ken B. Wrong street trees planted and need replaced under powerlines (per Millie). 1/7/08 corrections required per Ken B. Trees along frontage have not been replaced. Landscape boulders are stitting in 10' clear zone. 5/20/08 approved per Ken B. 12/08/2008 Corrections required per Laura Taylor 1 year warranty.. Replace 28 dead/removed shrubs.Prune suckers form street trees(Nic Chitalpas). Re steak weak street trees with system to strengthen trunk-incorrectly staked so if stakes are removed now the trees will fall over.Consult City Forestor. Webbing 2/3"s up truck stake See attached. Remove new stakes in on year. 3/26/2009 Approved per Pam Klotz.. 1 year warranty
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