[IMC Office Complex]
Number: Grading-37695

Drawing of Record Submitted 12/13/2007
Electronic Drawing 12/13/2007
Final Grading Report 12/13/2007
Date Scheduled 12/19/2007
City Development Engineer
Power 12/20/2007 Approved per Dennis Wright 12/04/2008 Approved per Dennis Wright.. 1 year warranty
Water 12/20/2007 Corrections required per Wayne M. Need to paint Fire Hydrant and turn the lower one to match the concrete need back flow on Irr tested and on The Fire System. 1/3/2008 Approved per Wayne M. Corrections have been made 12/17/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Daren Judd - Wire good.
Wastewater 12/20/2007 Corrections required per Wayne M. Need to paint Fire Hydrant and turn the lower one to match the concrete need back flow on Irr tested and on The Fire System. 1/3/2008 Approved per Wayne M. Corrections have been made 12/17/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Daren Judd - Wire good.
Engineering 12/19/2007 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. Fix sidewalk and gutter on 500 South 01/02/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright 12/30/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright.. 1year warranty
City Development Engineer 12/20/2007 Corrections required per Cathy H.. Electronic Dwg of records needs to show storm drain pipe size, type, flow lines, one grate elevation sidewalk drain structure labled, etc. Dwg also needs to be placed in City HCN system. comes in to the North of actual site. 1/7/08 approved per Ken B. 12/2/08 - 1 year warranty - NA - no public improvements - per Cathy H.
Landscaping 12/20/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker..Handrail missing at steps on both sides, sidewalk may exceed 5% slope. Plabt tall trees in front of cooling tower to hide tower. 1/7/08 approved per Ken B. 12/08/2008 Corrections required ..Per Laura Taylor 1 year warranty..Remove tree stakes and if tree trunks are weak replace w/proper tree staking system to promote trunk strength(consult w/City Forester) replace 4 dead shrubs one broken canopy tree @ SE of lower parking lot and one dead conifer at NE of lower parking lot. See attached consult w/City Forester remove new tree stakes in one year
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