[Southland Commerical Center]
Number: Grading-37707

Drawing of Record Submitted 10/04/2007
Electronic Drawing 10/04/2007
Final Grading Report 10/04/2007
Date Scheduled 10/09/2007
City Development Engineer
Power 10/09/2007 Approved per Dennis Wright 9/3/2008 Approved per Dennis Wright.. 1 yr warranty
Water 10/10/2007 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..Arrow in collars & line size, check wire,check backflow on fire sprinkler systems for LD's, record of drawing, JP check valves 10/18/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie 6/15/2010 Approved per Kevin Condie 1 year warranty.. wire ok Tim
Wastewater 10/10/2007 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..Arrow in collars & line size, check wire,check backflow on fire sprinkler systems for LD's, record of drawing, JP check valves 10/18/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie 6/15/2010 Approved per Kevin Condie 1 year warranty.. wire ok Tim
Engineering 10/11/2007 Approved per Brandon Wright 10/24/2007 approved per Carlos Robles 9/3/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright.. 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 10/09/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker. Cathy H..Electronic Dwg of record is not in the City HEN System. Please move to this system. 10/15/07 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic dwg of record still needs to be put into HCN system (off 1000'). 10/18/07 approved per Cathy H. 9/12/2008 1 yr warranty.. Approved per Cathy Private Improvements..
Landscaping 10/09/2007 Corrections required per Ken Bricker. Cathy H..Port a pot still on site stop, signs needed at 1470 south access n& Balcakridge Dr heavey equip still on site adjacent (Steven Wade leasisng lot). South of trash enclosue & East of road into Hughes property needs to have at least a 2' shoulder and A 2:1 slope 10/15/07 approved per Cathy H. 9/12/2008 1yr warranty.. Approved Per Cathy H...Private Improvements
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