[Copper Hills Phase II]
Number: Grading 28131

Drawing of Record Submitted 6/3/03
Electronic Drawing 04/30/2003
Final Grading Report 04/30/2003, 06/03/2003
Date Scheduled 04/30/2003
City Development Engineer
Power 05/18/04. Approved per Dennis Wright. 11/22/2004 Approved per Dennis Wright for 1 year warrenty inspection.
Water 11/29/2004 Approved per Boyd Rowndy.. For 1 year warranty inspection
Wastewater 11/29/2004 Approved per Boyd Rowndy.. For 1 year warranty inspection
Engineering 05/01/2003 Corrections Required per Mike Hester. Fix the Spandrell on the west corner of 240 E circle 270 S to drain properly. Asphalt patch must be seamless. Clean the excess concrete from the curb Correctins required per Mike Hester. Provide the testing for the joint utility trench into the final grading & test report. Dress the asphalt along the west edge of the repplaced spandrell (Frog). & gutter. 06/10/2003. Corrections required per Mike Hester. Provide the E lot Ph & cable TV trench backfall conpaction & testing report. Repair the sidewalk, curb & Gutter as marked. Fix the radius on the west side of 2620 E 270 S to drain properly. Replace damaged curb and gutter. Complete the final grading & testing report. 07/08/2003. Approved per Mike Hester. 11/19/2004 Corrections required per Mike Hester..For 1 year Warrenty. Complete asphalt repair along the west side of the East spanded on 2020 East Circle 270 South Street.
City Development Engineer 07/15/2003. Approved per Cathie. 11/30/2004 Approved per Cathy for 1 year warranty.
Landscaping 04/30/203 Corrections required per Mark Bradley. Street trees along Mall Drive. Doug Wulfenstein required to inspect. 04/30/2003. Corrections Required. No trees installed - does not meet shade tree ordinance.Landscape strip only 1-2 feet wide.inadequate for landscaping. 07/01/2003. approved per Mark Bradley. Matt okay the trees. 11/29/2004 Approved per Doug W. For 1 year warranty inspection. For street tree's.
General Comments:
04/30/2003 - original date of submition