[Iggy's Sport Grill]
Number: 36824

Drawing of Record Submitted 11/21/2006
Electronic Drawing 11/21/2006
Final Grading Report 11/21/2006
Date Scheduled 11/22/2006
City Development Engineer
Power 11/22/2006 Approved per Dennis Wright 12/04/2008 Approved per Dennis Wright..1 year warranty
Water 12/01/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson 12/17/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Daren Judd - Wire good.
Wastewater 12/01/2006 Approved per Tim Dotson 12/17/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Daren Judd - Wire good.
Engineering 11/22/2006 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. Broken sidewalks to replaced on 170 South, broken sidewalk to be replaced on 100 South. Clean and grout storm drain DI Boxes, no expansion joints on Drive App.. sidewalk marked with R/R to be replaced 11/28/2006 Corrections required per Carlos.. Finish Project. 11/29/2008 Approved per Carlos Robles
City Development Engineer 11/22/2006 Corrections required per Ken Bricker..Utility trailer blk up at curb. Building materials stacked against KVA trasformer. General cleanup required. Trash in storm drains light pole laying in parking lot. Rocks in parking lot areas.. Show power lines from transfewers electronic dwg of records. 11/30/2006 Corrections required per Ken Bricker. Safety fence needs replaced by Perm type.. Make changes per previous comment for electronic dwg of records. 1/17/2008 Approved per Ken Bricker 12/2/08 - 1 year warranty - NA - no public improvements - per Cathy H.
Landscaping 11/22/2006 Corrections required per Ken Bricker.. Landscaping incomplete up next to building.. 11/30/2006 Approved per Ken Bricker 12/08/2008 Corrections required ..Per Laura Taylor 1 year warranty.. Remove tree stakes and guy wires from around trunk.Where tree trunk is still weak, re stake in a way that will promote trunk strength. Trees were not staked properly originally. See attached consult w/City Forester. Remove new tree stakes in one year.
General Comments: