[Residences @ Green Valley Units 1-4]
Number: Grading-38040

Drawing of Record Submitted 10/23/2004
Electronic Drawing 10/23/2007
Final Grading Report 10/23/2007
Date Scheduled 10/25/2007
City Development Engineer
Power 10/25/2007 Approved per Dennis Wright 10/03/2008 Approved per Dennis Wright.. 1 yr warranty
Water 10/29/2007 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..Meters,hydrants, valves, need concrete collars around them,all valves need to be turned on, backflow on landscaping need to be tested,backflows on firelines in building need to be tested before CO's,concrete around fire hydrants, need to run into curb, so when hydrant is flushed it doesn't was out landscaping. 11/15/2007 Corrections required per Tim Dotson.. Valve can lids cleaned out so lids will come off back flow tag on fire protection a certification test. 11/28/2007 Approved per Tim Dotson 10/10/2008 Approved per Darrin Judd.. 1yr warranty.. wire good
Wastewater 10/29/2007 Corrections required per Kevin Condie..Meters,hydrants, valves, need concrete collars around them,all valves need to be turned on, backflow on landscaping need to be tested,backflows on firelines in building need to be tested before CO's,concrete around fire hydrants, need to run into curb, so when hydrant is flushed it doesn't was out landscaping. 11/15/2007 Corrections required per Tim Dotson.. Valve can lids cleaned out so lids will come off back flow tag on fire protection a certification test. 11/28/2007 Approved per Tim Dotson 10/10/2008 Approved per Darrin Judd.. 1yr warranty.. wire good
Engineering 10/26/2007 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. Drain box needed, erosion control for slope on water way,temp,fence along Ph 1 and Ph 2,clean draining out, general clean up 11/20/2007 Corrections required per Carlos Roble.. Rip rap, detention pond 11/28/2007 Approved per Brandon Wright 10/07/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 10/25/07 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record needs to show S/W (modified) drain. Per Ken B - Port-a-toilet on site. General cleanup needed, fire hydrants are missing base, const matl still on site, dirt berm present, heavy equip still on site, parking lines missing. 11/15/07 corrections required Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record needs to show S/W (modified) drain. 11/20/07 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record still needs to be submitted. 11/28/07 approved per Cathy H.10/3/08 - 1 year warranty - N/A per Cathy H. (Private Improvements).
Landscaping 10/25/07 corrections required per Ken B. Landscaping is incomplete. 11/15/07 corrections required per Ken B. Landscape not complete around buildings. 11/20/07 corrections required per Ken B. Still installing landscape. 11/28/07 approved per Cathy H. 10/3/08 - 1 year warranty - N/A per Cathy H. (Private Improvements).
General Comments: