[Chaco West]
Number: Grading-38253

Drawing of Record Submitted 6/20/2008..5/14/09
Electronic Drawing 6/20/2008..5/14/09
Final Grading Report 6/20/2008
Date Scheduled 6/24/2008
City Development Engineer
Power 7/7/08 approved per Dennis W. 8/123/2010 Approved per Dennis Wright
Water 6/25/2008 Corrections required per Kevin Conde.. Need all valve's turned on, need big arrow & line sizes in valve collars, center setter in meter boxes, check wire, drawing of record is wrong contractor need to get w/Engineer & tell him how water was put in. 6/1/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie 10/19/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Kevin C. Wire good.
Wastewater 6/25/2008 Corrections required per Kevin Conde.. Need all valve's turned on, need big arrow & line sizes in valve collars, center setter in meter boxes, check wire, drawing of record is wrong contractor need to get w/Engineer & tell him how water was put in. 6/1/2009 Approved per Kevin Condie 10/19/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Kevin C. Wire good.
Engineering 6/24/2008 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. NOT READY 5/29/2009 Approved per Brandon Wright 8/13/2010 Approved per Brandon Wright 1 year warranty
City Development Engineer 6/25/08 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record - provide storm drain data info (inverts, size of pipe etc). DWG also needs to be placed in city HCN system. Per Ken B - sidewalk requires dirt ramp at all end locations, end of road markers missing at round-about. 5/29/09 corrections required per Cathy H. Provide private development improvement certificate. 6/4/2009 Approved per Cathy H 8/10/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 6/25/08 corrections required per Ken B - sidewalk requires dirt ramp at all end locations, end of road markers missing at round-about. 6/2/09 approved per Cathy H. 8/10/10 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H.
General Comments: