[Ft Pierce (Scott Machinery) #90-#91]
Number: Grading-38416

Drawing of Record Submitted 12/21/2007
Electronic Drawing 12/21/2007
Final Grading Report 12/27/2007
Date Scheduled 12/27/2007
City Development Engineer
Water 12/26/2007 Corrections required ..Per Tim Dotson.. Arrows and sizes need to be marked in concrete of valves hydrant cleaned and painted.. back flow must be 12" above ground and tagged that it has been tested clean out meter box so valve on back side of setter can be shut on and off. 12/28/2007 Approved per Wayne M - corrections have been made. 11/13/2008 Approved per Carson Tait..1 year warranty.. wire good
Wastewater 12/26/2007 Corrections required ..Per Tim Dotson.. Arrows and sizes need to be marked in concrete of valves hydrant cleaned and painted.. back flow must be 12" above ground and tagged that it has been tested clean out meter box so valve on back side of setter can be shut on and off. 12/28/2007 Approved per Wayne M - corrections have been made. 11/13/2008 Approved per Carson Tait..1 year warranty.. wire good
Engineering 12/28/2007 Approved per Brandon Wright.. failing density tests, private properties 11/05/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright 1 yr warranty
City Development Engineer 12/26/07 corrections required per Ken B. Missing signage/striping, missing trash enclosure doors, construction and grading still in progress, general cleanup needed. 12/28/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker -- trash enclosure gates will be in place No Later Than 1/15/08. Moving last boulder today. 11/4/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Cathy H- No public improvements.
Landscaping 12/26/07 corrections required per Ken B. Missing signage/striping, missing trash enclosure doors, construction and grading still in progress, general cleanup needed. 12/28/2007 Approved per Ken Bricker -- trash enclosure gates will be in place No Later Than 1/15/08. Moving last boulder today. 11/20/2008 Approved per Larry Shane.. 1 year warranty
General Comments: