[Mulberry Point Phase 1]
Number: Grading-38432

Drawing of Record Submitted 7/31/2008..revised 8/7/08
Electronic Drawing 7/31/2008..revised 8/7/08
Final Grading Report 7/31/2008
Date Scheduled permits only inspection 8/21/2007/Final 8/4/08
Power 9/7/07 Approved for permits only per Dennis Wright
Water 8/24/2007 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. Need to complete site before permits. 8/27/2007 Corrections required per Darrin Judd..Project not finised 8/30/2007 Approved per Carson Tait.. Ok for permits only
Wastewater 8/24/2007 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. Need to complete site before permits. 8/27/2007 Corrections required per Darrin Judd..Project not finised 8/30/2007 Approved per Carson Tait.. Ok for permits only
Engineering 8/24/2007 Approved per Carlos C.
City Development Engineer 8/21/07 approved per Cathy H.
Landscaping 8/21/07 corrections required per Cathy H. Trim tree/shrubs on Southeast corner by driveway. 8/23/07 approved per Ken B.
Power 8/4/2008 Approved Per Dennis Wright 7/1/09 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dennis W.
Water 8/12/2008 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. The locate wire does not trace. Need to repair the wire and call for a re-inspect 8/19/2008 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. need concrete hydrant pad 8/22/2008 Approved per Carson Tait
Wastewater 8/12/2008 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. The locate wire does not trace. Need to repair the wire and call for a re-inspect 8/19/2008 Corrections required per Carson Tait.. need concrete hydrant pad 8/22/2008 Approved per Carson Tait
Engineering 8/12/2008 Corectios required per Carlos Robles.. Landscape needs to be finished, all construction debris must be cleaned up, City street needs to be cleaned, storm drain must be cleaned parking must be striped,detention pond needs to be finished.PROJECT MUST BE FINISHED BEFORE FINAL. 8/21/2008 Approved per Carlos Robles
City Development Engineer 8/1/08 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record needs to be placed on City HCN system. Drainage from detention basin to sidewalk outlet structure needs to be revised (not connected). per Ken B. Construction still in process. Landscape not installed. Piles of sand and dirt still in street. Port-a-pot sitting on sidewalk. 8/7/08 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record still shows drainage from detention basin to S/W outlet structure not connected. per Ken B. No change since last inspection. 8/18/08 corrections required per Cathy H. Electronic DWG of record still shows drainage from detention basin to S/W outlet structure not connected. per Ken B. Dumpster enclosure requires solid metal doors, curb at entrance needs R/R. 8/22/08 corrections required per Cathy H. Still need to provide change to electronic dwg of record. 8/25/2008 Approved per Cathy H 7/1/09 - 1 year warranty - Approved - No public improvements per Cathy H.
Landscaping 8/1/08 corrections required per Ken B. Construction still in process. Landscape not installed. Piles of sand and dirt still in street. Port-a-pot sitting on sidewalk. 8/7/08 corrections required per Ken B. No change since last inspection. 8/18/08 corrections required per Ken B. Landscape is still being installed at unit #12 and along car port fence/wall. 8/22/08 approved per Ken B. 7/2/09 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
General Comments: