[Bellsera Phase 4]
Number: Grading-33952

Drawing of Record Submitted 7/2/07..revised 7/19/07.. revised 8/7/2007
Electronic Drawing 7/2/2007..revised 7/19/2007
Final Grading Report 7/2/2007
Date Scheduled 7/3/2007
City Development Engineer
Power 7/2/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Dennis Wright.
Water 7/6/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie 7/14/2008.. 1yr warranty..Wire good-TD
Wastewater 7/6/2007 Approved per Kevin Condie 7/14/2008.. 1yr warranty..Wire good-TD
Engineering 7/3/2007..Corrections required per Brandon Wright..DI Boxes grouted and cleanout,plan shows slope layed back at top round of project, plans do not show any walk out basement in Phase 4 drawing of record also (same) need to meet plan req. Detention on top road(South Road) missing per plan (drain also) missing detail sheet 16, slope along golf course. remove piles and debris on lots (clean up), stop signs and street signs need to be installed. 7/23/2007 Corrections required per Brandon Wright.. Not Ready street signs, rock wall certs, drawing of record wrong 8/16/2007 Approved per Brandon Wright 7/9/2008 Approved per Brandon Wright..1 year warranty
City Development Engineer 7/3/07 corrections required per Cathy H. Put in detention basin per plan. Provide private development certificate. Provide Hillside Compliance Letter. Provide rock wall certifications. Electronic dwg of record needs to show sewer line lengths and sizes and also show pipe lengths and sizes for storm drain. Show wall elevations. Show detention area and capacity. Need dwg of record in city HCN. 7/18/2007 corrections required per Cathy H..see previous corrections from 7-3-07.. need letter from Jerome Jones (City golf course) saying landscape along golf is okay until home built 8/17/2007 Correctiosn required per Cathy H. Provide private development certificate. provide hillside compliance letter.provide rockwall certifications. 8/22/07 approved per Cathy H. 7/2/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
Landscaping 7/3/07 corrections required per Cathy H. Landscaping for golf course to be installed per plan behind lots 14-18. Landscape rear lots and side yards per landscape plan (see notes 1-4 on plan). Provide letter from city golf course on disturbance/mitigation. 7/18/2007 coreections required per Cathy H.. see previous corrections 7/3/2007 see corrections from 7-3-07.. need letter from Jerome JOnes (city golf course) saying landscape along golf is okay until home built. 8/9/2007 Approved per Ken B 7/2/08 - 1 year warranty - approved per Ken B.
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